Chapter 13. Dead meat

Start from the beginning

"It isn't important, Sean." I told him, frowning. It might have been years since he'd met Sang... Miss Sorenson, but he'd considered her family when they were kids. He'd failed in protecting her but he would go to her now and offer all the help he and the academy could give. "Miss Sorenson's situation needs to be sorted and our group is the one she is more familiar with inside the academy."

He still wasn't sure of his welcome, he knew that what she'd said to Dr. Roberts might have been just her trying to be polite, but he would keep his hope until proven contrary.

The sound of what appeared to be a relieved sigh came through the line "I was hoping you would say that, Owen. I've seriously missed our Pookie." He said, all cheer and bubbliness.

"She isn't ours Sean. It's been six years, remember? She might not want to be with us anymore. She might be a completely different person than who we knew."

"Are you saying that we don't help her if she is different, Owen?" he asked me, clearly irritated.

"Don't be ridiculous!" I snapped at him. "She needs help and we will help no matter what. I am just saying that she might have changed so much that we could not want her in the family anymore, and vice versa. Remember, Sean, that family is a choice." I hated having to point this out, but I didn't want my family to be disappointed. We had searched her for so long, our ideal girl, that finding her now and discovering that she wasn't anymore that sweet and caring person would probably break them.

It was his job to protect his family no matter what. He wouldn't fail again.

"Huff, very well, we will do it your way. But don't you dare to be anything than welcoming to her Owen! I am warning, if you make her feel like we don't care then I will... I will..."

Raising an eyebrow in amusement at his friend's lack of capacity to find a suitable treat he asked. "You will do what, Dr. Green?"

"I will break something!"

"Sean, I know you are in my house. Don't you dare to break anything." I warned.

"I will break your plates!"


"I gave them to you and I will break them If I want to!"

Sighing in exasperation I told him "This whole conversation is pointless, anyway. I never had any intention of making Miss Sorenson feel unwelcome. I merely suggested the use of caution."

Huffing came from the other side of the line. "Fine, be all proper and cautious if you want to Owen. But I am handling this any way I want."

"Fine." I told him before hanging up. I didn't like having to put such walls between me and Sang either, but it was necessary and nothing Sean said or did would change it.


Arriving at the airport Luke was still wondering how he would tell Mr. Blackbourne about Sang's return. He'd always suspected the man of having had a childhood crush on the young girl.

Despite having had several one-night stands he'd never really dated anyone and Luke had though that perhaps a little green eyed beauty had spoiled him for other women.

Going to the disembark area he searched through the crowd for his silver eyed academy's liaison.

There, amid a crowd of people, some carrying baggage's, others only carrying a small bag, some hurrying off alone, others saying goodbye to friends and family, Luke was taken back to approximately six month ago, when in this same airport he met his brother for the first time.

Thinking about her and his brother, Luke knew that she'd had a part on his and Silas' arrival in America, even if those two didn't know of it. After all, it had been her insistence in sending them to the academy that caused Luke's uncle to start giving him more attention. The guilt he'd felt for neglecting his nephew had driven the old man to search for his long lost brother, in hopes of maybe rebuilding his family. It was then that they found North. And his poor excuse for a father.

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