12 | Pain

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That's all you saw smeared across Kylo's stomach and chin. Was this all really happening or was it a nightmare?

No, it was far too real, especially when you could feel an uneasy shift in your soul. You wanted to scream, to somehow save him from the atrocity, but how could you when you felt an excruciating pain in your own lower abdomen?

Clutching onto your stomach, your wide eyes slowly shifted from Kylo's wound down to your crimson stained hands. How was this possible? The whole time you were lying—kneeling—on the ground as you watched the cruel act happen, no one could have possibly injured you. "Y/N..."

Hearing Kylo soft cry, your eyes were glued on your now violently shaking hands, your heart (if it even still existed) fluttering out of your chest and echoing in your ears at the sight of the red substance—your blood. If there had been a level beyond panic, that was the mental state you were now in.

How in the galaxy were you bleeding, let alone, coughing blood? How is it that you were mirroring Kylo's pain physically without having any real wounds? The bond couldn't be that strong, could it?

"Oops... did not think that would happen?" The man, the fiend, faked a pout with the audacity to push the spear a little deeper into Kylo's stomach, making the both of you cough out more blood. Every drop of blood Kylo shed, you did, too.

"Viktor..." The young man called out, watching in sheer disgust as he winced at the sight. "This is too m-"

"Hush, boy! Remember why you're still alive!" Viktor rather cruelly barked as the young woman—Kali—stood in front of the young man.

"Alastair, please-"

"N-no! He-he is killing them! This... this is not what we do!" Nearly shoving her away, Alastair was now at the mans side; the urge to shove him away and free Kylo from his pain was pulsing through his veins.

"We?!" Viktor seethed, shoving his mudded boot against Kylo's back as he hauled the spear out of him with such force that Kylo let out a rather jarring gasp. Kicking Kylo flat onto his face as he stomped on the wound, a severe roar was released from the commanders mouth as his gloved fingers dug into the stone ground.

"There is no we in this matter, I am doing what is right!" Watching in horror as Viktor tossed the spear and roughly tugged on Alastair's collar, shoving him against a brick wall, you had the urge to somehow crawl to Kylo.

It hurt, you were hurting, the sight of it was hurting you—seeing Kylo in this kind of state was making your whole being ache. 

"K-Kylo..." You quietly called out, reaching and reaching as far as you could for him, but the more you did, the more distant he had grown. "Ky-... Ben..."

At this moment, you couldn't care less about your physical—and mental—state. There was a high chance you could be dying, but that didn't matter to you, what mattered was that he couldn't die. You wouldn't let him. Because in the end, after realizing that your stubbornness was a way to push away the fact that you still felt something for him that wasn't driven by the Force, you forgave him.

After all, he was only saving you from himself, and you wanted to save him from his end. Because, although he was completely unstable, the suffering he went through was real and it was eating him alive.

Because in the end, you still loved him.

"Right?! Viktor, this is wrong!" Alastair shouted back as Kali tried pulling Viktor away. "You claim to dislike—no—hate the First Order, yet, you're acting just as cruel as them!" At the sound of a loud clap, your eyes shifted from focusing on Kylos distressed body, over to the now red cheek Alastair had.

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