7 | Apologies

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It wasn't clicking in your head, none of it was making any sense to you, why would Kylo Ren—murderer of hundreds--save you?

He couldn't possibly dwell upon the whole soulmate thing, of course not, he had way more important matters to worry about. So why risk a mission, and his men, to find you? And why would the Resistance put innocents in harms way? And how could they possibly know about the 'Force bond'? It wasn't like your parents knew, now did they?

"This... this doesn't make a lick of sense. If we have a Force bond, shouldn't I be Force sensitive?" You questioned. "And if I am, and I didn't know, how could the Resistance possibly know?"

"Now, these are questions I do not have answers to. The only person that possibly does is the commander himself..." The woman stated, causing you to roll your eyes as you sighed.

"Do you not understand that I'm trying to avoid him?" You spoke through gritted teeth, saying it ever so slowly as if the statement couldn't seep into her once helmeted skull.

"I don't think you see the full picture..." Crossing her arms, her eyes wondered off, only to fall back onto yours. "You are avoiding the man for what reason, exactly?" Narrowing your eyes, you furrowed your eyebrows in disbelief... Did she not listen to what you had to say a few moments ago?

"Really? I-I just-"

"You keep saying he's a murderer, a psychopath that kills with no morals... yet, within this entire discussion, you yet have not mentioned to me a single thing he has done to you." Feeling your mouth fall open as if you had to say something, it only closed shut. "Exactly, the commander has done nothing to you physically, and from what I'm seeing, nor mentally. He hasn't laid a single harmful finger on your skin nor mind... So why do you seem so vengeful when he hasn't done anything to you?"

"W-... Are you kidding me? He raided my home planet and killed people! As far as I know, he must've killed my closest friends, my neighbors, and my colleagues!" You retorted.

"No, he didn't." She simply stated, throwing you back at how nonchalant her tone was. "Like I said before, commander Ren's main goal was to protect you..."

"Protect me? From the good guys who were protecting me from him? From where I stand, he's the enemy who kidnapped me!"

"And from where I stand, where I see the whole story, he saved you from being held hostage by the Resistance-" Just before you could fire back, she lifted up a hand, only making your jaw clench. "If they know about your Force bond with the commander, which they must do, they see you as a weapon. Something they can use to weaken Ren and take all his power away from him."

"No, they wouldn't use me like that, I know they wouldn't!" Shaking your head, your fists clenched at your sides as you weren't taking the lies the woman was feeding you.

"The Resistance will do anything to bring down Ren, he is their biggest enemy as they are to us, why wouldn't they use their best option to get to Ren?"

"You're lying... You're lying through your teeth. You're starting to sound like Kylo!" You snapped.

"You are being stubborn, you're the lying one, you're lying to yourself. I see the truth. I see what lies ahead."

"So, what if they used me? Huh? It still means I would have been away from that monster-"

"And what exactly will that do for you? That bond is severe, it may be a newborn now as you two have just been reunited... but when it evolves, you will feel everything. You will feel his pain, and he will feel yours. What makes you think it is a good idea to have your 'soulmate' be used to harm you when you would only feel it yourself? You would only be killing yourself."

Soul Mate | Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now