4 | Unbalanced

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The sudden revelation was enough to shatter your heart. You didn't know how you could miss something as obvious as this.

Did that devastating scar really have the ability to warp his face into something you couldn't recognize? How was it possible? That face was hard to miss in a crowd, he stuck out so much, you could remember how easy it was to see him amongst the members of the Resistance when there were meetings being held.

So this is the fearsome Kylo Ren? This is the man behind that unsettling mask? The young boy whose parents were so admirable for their work with the Rebellion. How did he turn into such... thing?

"Ben?" Your throat had locked. This couldn't be, that couldn't be him, that isn't him. "No, no... You can't be Ben! Ben wouldn't do this! Ben wouldn't do such harm, he wouldn't kill-" Cutting yourself off, you took in a deep breath.

This was where Ben disappeared to. After all those months of you wondering—worrying—as to where your brothers good friend went... He ended up being the one man you feared, dreading the day you would ever meet him. Little did you know you already knew him, and that the darkness in him was already boiling the moment you stepped into his life.

"I no longer go by that wretched name," He breathed, eyes wondering around your trembling frame. "But for you, I will accept it-"

"For me? I can't call you Ben!" Sliding away from underneath him, you took a decent distance away from him. "You aren't Ben! I-I don't know who you are! Ben wouldn't do this!"

"You're right, because Ben is dead-" His words stung you.

Of course you should have concluded that, Ben was now consumed by an entity darker than your home planet at night. "But I, Kylo Ren, I am a far better version of him..." Kylo softly stated as he took a step towards you, suddenly stopping as he watched you flinch.

Shaking your head, your breathing was once again heavy as you felt the panic rising. "No, no, you're not! Did you honestly think the revelation would make anything better?! It only made things worse!" You shouted, at this point, you weren't sure how your voice was stable.

"I should have known... This is the reason why my parents told me to be careful around you. I was too young, too naive to realize the monster-" Kylo flinched "-you would soon become. This is why whenever you came around, I was never allowed to be left alone with you... because my parents feared you, too!"

"Don't say that," Kylo smiled, as if it was a way to distract you from seeing his watery eyes. When was the last time he cried? Let alone, had the urge to? He couldn't remember. Sure, his fathers death took a toll on him, but he believed the death was necessary for him to better himself.

There was a sudden opening in the Force on your end—or what you felt like an uneasy tug to your brain. A harsh wave crashing into your thoughts, blocking away your own as you felt something else fade in.

These weren't your thoughts, they couldn't be, even though the voice was quite similar... Kylo's thoughts? "No..." You breathed. "No... no, you-" Blinking away the tears, your whole body heated up in fright. "You killed your father..."

The small whisper of your voice and the uncontrollable trembling of your bottom lip made Kylo furrow his eyebrows. How had you known? You were sure that was sensitive information that wasn't going to be easily thrown around the Resistance. And he was sure your parents left out a lot of information about what went on in the Resistance to keep you safe. "W-What?"

Clenching your jaw, you looked at him with a pained expression. "H-how could you? Your... your own father?

"Y/N... you don't understand..." Taking a step closer, you quickly shoved him away.

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