Chapter 3

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Tauriel's POV

I cocked my head at the dragon tamer.

"You know, you have an extremely loose tongue for one so powerful," I clicked my tongue. "And for one who has been obviously trained." I was now just goading her, trying to see just what kind of a temper she has.

I still swung the amulet between my fingers, like a pendulum. I watched her eyes follow it as she waited to attack, her dragon sword drawn.

She gives a slight growl, before charging me, sword swinging.

Quick as a snake I pull out my sword, and duck under hers. Now we're circling each other, sizing each other up.

She feints to my left, but I catch it. I strike towards her now exposed right side. Making sure to use the blade of my sword-not the edge- I whack her in the ribs. She lets out an ooof. As the air rushes out of her lungs.

I look at her for a long moment. The amulet coiled around my right hand, my sword in my left.

"You know this really just isn't worth my time." I say, looking back at the girl in front of me, her sword still in an offensive position.

I shrug before saying, "I have more important matters to attend to." I throw the amulet to her. "It's of no use to me anyway. So if you wouldn't mind, I have things to take care of." I turned around my back now to her. But I have excellent hearing, so I won't be caught unawares if she decides to sneak up on me.

"Oh and by the way, you really need to watch who you bump into." I turn and look at her, eyes flashing.

She looks confused for a second. Then I see her eyes light up in realization.

"You're the person from the throne room!"

"Yes." I answer. "And I know what you're here for." She paused. "You're here to kill me."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2016 ⏰

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