Chapter 1

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Tauriel's POV

My cowl was pulled up over my head to cover my face. The wind blew sharply, and strongly. As though it was trying to rip the flesh right off my bones.

I looked around me, I was at the edge of a deserted forest. Or deserted, all except for me.

I wore a long flowing cloak made out of silver raven feathers, and copper talons on my fingers. After all, a raven shaman does have to look the part does she not?

I fingered the pommel of my sword. Something seemed to be, off. And I didn't like it.

I quickly made my way through the forest, dodging brambles and thorns. Until I found myself at a small, run down stone building.

I opened the ancient oak doors, into a huge space. Tall vaulted ceilings and intricately carved pillars gave the place a sort of cathedral feel. A cathedral that is bigger on the inside, than outside.

I walked up to the raised dais at the end of the room. There was altar on it. I walked behind the altar, so I had a good view of the doorway. I looked down and began sketching runes into the altar's surface.

If I was going to try to stay in this abandoned temple of the Raven, then I was going to need some protection. Magical protection.

I suddenly heard a creak. My head shot up only to see a cloaked figure standing in the doorway.

"Leave traveler. This is no place for you." I say, my voice ringing out amongst the hollow space.

"I did not come here for shelter." The stranger murmured. Female, maybe my age, she seems powerful, not a traveler, possibly an assassin. No her gear is far to expensive to be an ordinary mercenary. All these thoughts ran through my head in the span of a few seconds.

"I came here looking for a raven shaman, seen any?" Her voice dripping with sarcasm. I see a glint of silver in her hand. The sword is powerful, it's made of a strong steel. With two dragons curling around the pommel.

She's a dragon tamer.

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