God D@mn

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When we got to Noxious High, we went our separate ways. I went to my counseling office and began to work. I had no appointments with students until after lunch, so i stated updating the schools website with the students who will take place in the honor student ceremonies. Then i counted the students that were on the principals honor-roll sheet and ordered special shirts with each students name on it. That ate up 4hours and now it was time for lunch. I went to the teachers lounge.

I grabbed a grilled chicken sandwich, a can of lemonade and a salad. I sat at my usually table. Two seconds later, the anti-christ got up from her table and sat next to me. God Damn.

She was 5-foot-nothing, naturally blonde and had blue eyes. I disliked her. She was one of those overly-religious psychopaths that tried to shove her beliefs down everyone's throat. She was a Christian version of Havoc's mother. Point being, ever since found out i was atheist, she's been driving me up the wall.

"So, Anne, have you reconsidered letting Jesus save you from damnation." She said in a southern accent. I don't even know why she has a southern accent. WE LIVE IN MICHIGAN!

'I would gladly spend time in a burning pit if i never had to see her again' I thought to myself and smiled.

"Nichole, I don't think he can do anything." If he was as merciful as you say, he would of never created someone as annoying as you., I thought to myself. "He died a long time ago. And i don't think he's going to hatch out of and Easter egg anytime soon." i said bitterly.

"Silly, He's not going hatch out of any eggs. See, this is why you don't believe. You let this nonsense you've been reading corrupted your thinking. But it's ok, Jesus will forgive you anytime you're willing to accept him."

She has been ridding my ass all year long, and i just couldn't take it anymore.

"Nothing's corrupting my thoughts. Unlike you, i think for myself. I don't let some occult book dictate my life or way of thinking."

She just stared at me blankly, like she was confused.

"The bible is the occult book i was referring to."

She opened her mouth widely and protested. "i think you're confused. Jesues is here to save you ."

"No, I quite level-headed; I don't see him anywhere. And, Religion is her to save me?HA. How many people have died in the name of religion? How many wars have people started in the name of religion, only to kill the people whom they were trying to 'save'? If fact, did you know wearing a cross contradicts your religion?" I said pointing to the giant silver cross she wears every day. She gasped. "oh yes, it's a form of paganism. Shocker, i know! Now please leave, I have company." I nodded my head towards Havoc and Milly.

She turned bright red and left in a huff. "I thought religious people weren't suppose to get mad. Turn the other cheek honey." i said just loud enough for her to hear.

Milly chuckled and sat in the seat previously occupied by crazy. Havoc sat on the other side.


Sorry, Its kind of short but it's time i inrtoduce her arch-nemesis

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