Luke - Hold My Hand .2

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-Your P.O.V-

You have been holding Luke's hand for two years now and you were glad that you never let go.

You guys went through hard times of course. How fans and the paparazzi tried to sabotage your relationship, how hard it was for Luke to be gone for months at a time, and how irritable he would get or even your would get when life got stressful.

But moments like these only made you hold on tighter.

Now you are on a plane with a sleepy Luke laying his head on your shoulder. He decided to take you to Australia to finally meet his parents after months of you asking.

When you two got off the plane jet lag over came your bodies.

You both tiredly got to the hotel and flopped on the bed, you went to sleep right away while Luke texted his parents "we are here, need sleep first" before going to passing out right beside you.

The next day you and Luke got up early to get dressed and make it over to his parents house. Today they were barbecuing a special lunch for your arrival.

Meeting his parents and his siblings made you really nervous.

In the car ride there you expressed your feelings to Luke, "Babe, I am so worried," you said with a sigh.

"Don't be babe, they'll love you," he said back quickly giving you a reassuring look before turning his attention back to the road.

"What if they judge me about how we met? How I was practically homel-"

"Babe. They will love you. And if they don't it won't matter because I'll still love you."

This pacified you enough to stay quiet for the rest of the car ride.

When you two pulled up to Luke's childhood home his mother came rushing from the back yard gate.

She attacked Luke with a hug, "Oh I missed my boy so much!"

"I missed you too mum," he said hugging her back just as hard.

You smiled watching their lovely mother-son moment.

His mom pulled away and walked towards you with a big smile on her face, "Honey, you were right. She is beautiful!"

Luke smiled and blushed when you looked at him before quickly turning your attention to his mom.

"I have heard so many wonderful things about you Y/N! I'm liz, I am so excited to finally meet the girl that has stolen my sons heart!"

And with that she scooped you up into an equally tight hug that she gave Luke.

You giggled when you two pulled away, "Thank you," you said sheepishly.

Luke and Liz lead you into the back yard where his brothers were talking and his dad was grilling.

Liz announced you and Luke's arrival, "Hey look who showed up!"

 Luke's brothers immediately stopped what they were doing and ran up to you and Luke.

They attacked him with a bear hug and you laughed in amusement watching Luke be "attacked" and trying to keep his balance at the same time. 

When his brothers were done the came up to you and pulled you into a quick side hug, "Nice to meet you Y/N I'm Ben."

The next one followed right behind him, "Hey, I'm Jack."

After that his Dad walked up to you and pulled you into a side hug as well, "I'm so glad to finally meet you Y/N! We have heard fantastic things about you, I'm Andrew, Luke's Dad."

After meeting the whole family Liz pulled both you and Luke to a picnic table set up nicely in their backyard.

Liz told you every memory from Luke's childhood, even the embarrassing ones that caused a wave of red to gush to his cheeks.

After awhile Ben, Jack, and Andrew joined in telling heart-warming stories about the life Luke had before the fame, before he met you in that ally on that cold bitter night.

When dinner was done and set up on the table you were starving, a sweet sunset had cloaked the once vivid blue Australian sky while the lights in the garden were now dimly lit.

The amazing scenery took your breath away as you, Luke, and his family gathered at the picnic table to enjoy the meal.

You were ready to dig in when Luke interrupted, postponing the dinner.

"Okay, family, girlfriend..." He said looking at you, making you blush.

 "I have something to say. You all know that I am in love with Y/N," He started, making you blush even more.

"She's amazing, beautiful, smart, kind, just simply stunning..."

At this point in time you felt as if all the blood in your body was flushing to your cheeks. 

"She had made these last two years the best years of my life, I want you all to know that," He said looking at his family, "and I want you to know that as well," he said turning to his right, towards you, looking deep into your eyes.

He grabbed your left hand as he continued confessing his love for you, "I want that same joy, excitement, love, passion, and so much more that you gave me in the past two years for the rest of my life."

You felt your heart thumping out of your chest as you Luke stood up still holding your left hand with his right and pulling something out of his pocket. 

He got down on one knee while Liz gasped, his father smiled, and his brothers sat with approving looks on their faces.

"Y/N, will you marry me and become Mrs. Hemmings?"

You opened your mouth but nothing came out, so you quickly closed it back and excitedly  nodded your head yes.

Luke slid the pink diamond engagement ring on your finger and immediately after you jumped into his arms. 

You guys shared a passionate but somewhat quick kiss because his parents where watching. 

The whole family now in a giggling frenzy you both sat down. You looked across the table and saw Liz wiping happy tears off of her face while you were doing the same.

Luke leaned over and grabbed you hand, lazily rubbing his fingers over your knuckles while leaning over to whisper in your ear, "Thank you for holding my hand."


LAAWWDD I'M CRYING GUYS, my emotions. That's why I love writing 'cause I feel what I am typing fam, I really do. But let's move on lol.

Thank you all for reading my imagine, I hope y'all liked part two of hold my hand!!!

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I love you all, thanks loves!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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