Luke - Just Hold My Hand .1

31 4 13

-Your P.O.V-

You started down the dark ally hugging your body, trying to create warmth in the cold winter air.

All you had is a black back back full of as much clothes money and prized possessions that you could fit in there.

You were hesitant about the dark Chicago allys at first but this was the quickest way to get to the other side of town to your aunt's house... On foot.

Flashbacks from your hostile parents kept flooding your mind.

You couldn't take anymore.

So here you were, in a dark ally filled with dumpsters and random bricks laying around and occasional light here and there.

The lights illuminated the air, allowing you to see your breath and not let you be able to forget how cold it really was.

Thugs lined the allys in this part of town, you could hear chatter and laughter from allys parallel to the one you were in.

You didn't see any thugs until...

You screamed when a hand was placed around your mouth and you were slammed into the ground.

A grown man hovered over you trying to rip your clothes off.

You screamed as loud as you could in hopes that someone would still head the muffled cries.

He unzipped your coat and the only thing barely blocking you from the cold air was a thin shirt.

You couldn't get raped.

There was no way you were loosing your virginity to some ignorant fool.

So you saved up all your strength into one big push.

You rocked the man slightly off of you but it was enough for you to scramble to your feet to run.

You ran as fast as your feet could carry you while screaming as loud as you could.

You didn't care about your bags you left behind or how the cold winter air stung your skin.

You were not getting raped.

But the man caught you before you could reach the end of the ally.

He pulled you by your hair and slammed you into the ground.

You put up a fight but your vision got blurry....

And you blacked out.

You woke up in the back seat of a car, your head was throbbing but your area was not.

And that was a good sign.

They taught you about rape in school and the side effects of it.

And the only thing that hurt was your head.

And all your clothes were on your body.

'So who's car am I in?' You thought to yourself quickly realizing where you were again.

You slowly crept up to the driver seat, ready to knock out whoever it was but you saw a boy... Nothing like the big lumberjack-like man who tried to rape you earlier.

You looked around and saw no one but the blonde kid driving.

"Hey you're awake," he said smiling and looking back at you for a minute before turning his attention back to the road.

"Where did you find me? Did I get raped? Who are you? Why am I in this car?!?" The anxiety in your voice rose with every question.

"Well that was a lot of questions but I can answer them all. Well, first I heard screaming coming from an ally and I found you getting dragged by this huge man. You were swinging at first and then all of a sudden collapsed. I guess that is when you blacked out. I don't believe that you got raped, you were not naked or anything, the man was just dragging you. I ran up to him and beat him to a bloody pulp so I could get you out of there. My name is Luke and your in my car because I wasn't going to leave you in that ally."

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