Chapter 16: Disappearance

Start from the beginning

Johan cleared his throat, "....Alaude and Daemon."

Those two names were enough to make Johan want to leave the room as soon as possible.

"How many papers?" Giotto asked as he held a suit in his hands.

"Q-quite a few, and from the amount of it, it's best if you see to them soon."

Johan felt as if he had been just thrown in to hell and was standing in front of a demon, from the amount of killing intent coming from Giotto. Then just as quickly as that intent came it went away.

"You may leave now Johan. And thank you for letting me know." Giotto said as he walked over and placed his suit on the bed.


After a few minutes Giotto opened the door to his room, and headed down to his office. As he walked down the hallways he passed by a few of the staff of the mansion who were up and about cleaning, and bringing in things that were needed for breakfast.

He headed towards the kitchen for the one thing that has been there for him all the time aside from G and his

Shortly after asking one of the maids to bring him a cup of coffee when it was done to his office he walked away and headed to his own personal hell. When Giotto opened the door he stood there unmoving looking at the place and closed the door and walked away.

"What the hell did they do to make that many pile up!" He hissed as he walked down the hallway to find both Alaude and Daemon.

As he walked down the hall he couldn't help but smile, and any of the staff that had happened to walk by quickly moved to the side since they didn't want to be in his way with the way that he currently looked like. At the moment he looked more like a demon ready to kill.

~Time Skip~

Giotto now was standing in front of Daemon's room. He stared at the door for a few seconds then opened it without opening it.

Daemon was still asleep, sleeping as if nothing was wrong. But that peace wouldn't last for long. Giotto slowly walked into the room and stood at the end of the bed and smirked.

"Daemon." Giotto said as he crossed his arms across his chest.

After a few seconds Daemon stirred, and opened his eyes and looked around only to find Giotto looking at him. Even though the room was rather dark they could see each other clear enough to know that one of them had a very very unpleasant expression.

"Nufufu, what do I owe your visit to Giotto." Daemon said as he sat up on his bed.

Giotto said nothing for a bit then sighed, "Oh, you don't know? Well I need you to get ready as soon as you can and meet me at my office. I need to have a with you."

Giotto turned around and headed towards the door not waiting for a response from him, "And please don't keep me waiting." Then he opened the door and left, and began to walk down the hall to head to the other side of the mansion.

After walking for a few minutes he once again stood in front of another door, and he didn't bother to knock also just like he did with the other one. But in this case the person on the other side of the door woke up the instant the door opened.

"What do you want." A voice growled.

Giotto chuckled, "Nothing much. I just need to talk to you. I want you to meet me in my office now. And don't be late Alaude." And again Giotto walked out of the room.

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