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Friends With Benefits In LOVE



Jermayne was engaged!

To the man she was in love with!

She couldn't believe it!

They stayed at Derwin's parent's mansion.

Her family also did.

Their families got along so well, that it seemed like a dream to her.

All three families of, Derwin, Jermayne and Caitlyn were sat in the kitchen and they were having their breakfast.

Everyone was happy!

Suddenly, Rose spoke up to Derwin and Jermayne loudly. "Hey, Der and Jer? When are you both planning to get married?"

This made everyone stop what they were doing and look at both of them.

The couple felt uncomfortable under the penetraring eyes!

To be honest! The couple didn't discuss the idea of getting married!

Both of them thought it might scare the shit of other!

That's why none of them suggested it.

"Yes, Der and Jer! Did you discuss about it?" Jermayne's mother spoke up.

Both of them shook their heads in a no and everyone groaned on the dining table.

Derwin looked at his older brother for help and Arthur all but smirked at him.

Yes! Derwin got it!

He was taking his avenge!

Because, Derwin did the same thing when the elders talked about Arthur's wedding.

"If it was up to you people, you people would get us married next weekend!" Derwin muttered and shook his head.

"Why, not? Let's get them married next weekend!" As soon as the words left Caitlyn's mouth both Derwin's and Jermayne's eyes came out of their sockets as they looked at each other in alarm.

They were worried how the other will react.

Waiting for the other to object!

On the other hand, the whole table burst in to cheers and the elders? They already started planning their wedding.

Oh God!

Bless them!


It was the wedding day!

Both Jermayne and Derwin were a nervous wreck.

"Oh my God, Catie? Josie? I'm so nervous! What if I trip and fall on the alise? What if Derwin doesn't like this dress? Or my hair? Or my makeup?" Jermayne was panicking as she sat in the front of her vanity and the makeup artists were giving their final touch ups to her.

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