True Memory

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Princess Twilight's POV
I knew the dazzlings were up to no good. I had to get sunset. I quickly scribbled in my magic book.
Dear sunset shimmer,
I fear the dazzlings are going to do something to sci-twi. The took her somewhere in the empire. I mainly want you to come. Come through the statue.
Twilight Sparkle.
After I wrote the note I opened my magic mirror to the human world. I decided to shrink it along with my magic book so it could be put on a charm bracelet. In a few minutes, out came sunset shimmer. As an alicorn!
"Sunset your an alicorn!" I said excitedly.
"Yes we need to find Sci-Twi. Any idea?" Said Sunset.
"Let's follow a magic trail." I suggested. I powered up a spell as glowing green hoof prints appeared in the hall.
"Those are Sci-Twi's hoof prints! Let's go!" Said sunset. And so we dashed after the trail.
We got to a hill. I saw that green ring. With a better look my eyes went wide.
"It's the gloomy trot ring! That's an ancient evil that could destroy equestria If Twi Releases it!" I cried.
Sci-Twi's POV
I followed the dazzlings to a hill above the empire.
"Ok twilight. This spell is going to make Equestria even better! All you need to do is release the energy from the ring. Then all will be well. You will have the friends you wanted. And knowledge..." Adagio commanded.
I but my lip. Did I really want this? I could finally have friends who will care for me.
"Um ok I guess." I said. I began to cast the spell. It would take a bit.
"Twi! No!!" Said a voice.
Up came sunset and Twilight.
"You can't do this twilight! It will destroy everything!" Said sunset.
"Your a liar sunset!" I spat.
"Twi, she is telling the truth!" Said my double.
"I'm getting what I deserve. Friends who actually accept my differences!" I yelled.
Then the spell flickered out.
"Who do you want twilight? Us or those liars?" Adagio snarled.
I had to make a choice.
"You adagio." I muttered as I took her hand. Then I felt a strange wave of energy before passing out on the ground.
Sunset shimmer's POV
Adagio took Sci-Twi's hoof. She screamed in pain as if she were being ripped apart. Twilight! I had to get her.
I ran up to talk to her. "Twilight what were you thinking?" I said.
"Who are you?" She said getting up afraid.
I gasped. Her memory. She couldn't remember me.
"I'm your friend sunset shimmer." I said. "Don't you remember me?"
"No.. My only friends are the dazzlings." She snapped away from me.
"Twilight those two are just trying to trick and confuse you!" Adagio said. "Continue the spell."
"Sure adagio." Said Sci-Twi.
The Empire was getting darker.
"Sunset what do we do?!" Princess Twilight yelled.
"We can remind her of who she was." I said.
I marched strait up to her and made her look at me.
"Get away from me!!" She yelled. She obviously didn't remember me.
I showed her the transfer photo of all of us.

I showed her the transfer photo of all of us

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"We were friends Twilight. And always will be" I said with tears in my eyes.
She stared for a second. Blinked. Her red necklace was trying to keep a grip on her. I blasted it with my magic, causing it to break.
Just a little harder... A shimmering rainbow grew into my magic blast then...
The necklace finally gave way and fell to dust.
Twilight fell to the ground back to normal.
Sci-Twi's POV
My eyes opened. It was sunset. It all came flooding back. And what the dazzlings did to me. Princess Twilight luckily trapped the dazzlings in a magic proof cage.
"We got the dazzlings sunset. You take twilight home." Said my Princess Clone as he walked back down the hill.
"Sci-Twi, your an amazing girl. I'm sorry I didn't accept your dark magic ability." Said sunset. "Can you ever forgive me?"
I nodded and hugged sunset.
"Thank you Sunset." I whispered with tears.
"Now let's get home." She said as I opened a portal. Just another thing to let the sparks fly.

MLPEG Hidden Sparkles: The Sparks FlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora