Friends or foe

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I can't control my magic at all! I don't even know if they still would be my friends...
I thought the same thing when I was packing to leave crystal prep.
I felt so blind. That's when I remembered the hidden jewel pendant I had. It's red surface shimmered. The dazzlings wanted me to join their band...
Maybe I just need a break from this all.
I decided to let them come over for a sleep over. Not telling sunset or the girls. I don't know how they would feel.
Later I was home alone when the dazzlings showed up for the sleepover. We were in our pajamas In a circle of sleeping bags.
"So twilight do you want to join our band? I mean you could be a help to us!" Adagio said.
"Yes! I will!" I said excitedly.
"Great!" Sonata said eating a carrot.
"Welcome to the team." Aria nodded.
"There is just one itsy bitsy thing. Don't tell your friends. They like surprises." Adagio said.
I nodded as the door bell rung. It was the pizza.
"Adagio get that please while I get my money!" I said running upstairs.
"Will do!" Adagio said cheerfully as she pulled the door open.
Sunset shimmer's POV
I was at pinkie's for a sleepover. Twilight was absent. She seemed upset. Then my work called my cell phone. The girls gathered around me to see.
I was a pizza deliverer. I had to get 4 large deep dish pizza's to twilight's house! She must be really upset...
"We can help deliver them sunset!" Pinkie said.
"Road trip aww yeah!" Rainbow said.
We went to the pizza place and got to the delivery truck.
We drove until we came to crystal hill drive surrounded by mansions.
"Simply amazing!!" Rarity squealed.
We found twilight's house and pulled to a stop as the girls rallied to get the warm pizza's out. I strolled up to the door and rang the bell. When the door opened I nearly passed out on the spot! It was adagio dazzle. In twilight's home.
Back to Sci-Twi's POV
I heard a familiar voice in the foyer scream "adagio dazzle?".
I pounded down the stairs with a bad feeling.
I was right to have a bad feeling. There in my doorway, wearing pizza delivery uniforms were sunset and her friends. My face turned crismon as sunset glared at me. The others looked just plain upset. I felt myself about to cry.
"Well if it isn't sunset shimmer." Adagio said.
"Sunset..." I began.
"Why are you hanging out with Them!? Don't you remember what they did??" Sunset screamed like a lunatic.
I couldn't even remember one bit. As if the moment never happened.
"No I want to be their friends can't you accept that!?" I yelled back.
"No because they are evil dirty snakes!" Sunset spat back.
I felt myself stronger with every insult. I snatched the pizzas and shoved the money in her hand.
"You sunset are the EVIL DIRTY SNAKE!!!" I yelled, sending her back with a dark pink energy wave.
She looked at me with disbelief as I smirked and shut the door.
After taking a breath, I slid onto the floor with tears in my eyes.

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