I look down and realize just how high up I am and my stomach heaves. What the hell was I thinking? Why didn't I just use the latter. I stumble thinking of all the possible ways I could get down without breaking my neck. I only really came up with three. But the best one was without a doubt was to wait for evolution to give me wings and fly down. It seemed the most practical.

"Angel?" I hear someone call. I look down to see Moreau, bemused.

"Hi..." I say shyly. Oh gods...the last time I spoke to him , we were kind of sucking each other's faces...

"How did you get up there?" He chuckled.

"I don't really know." I answer honestly.

"Why did you climb up there?" He said stifling a laugh. My cheeks heat, and roses bloom before I can cool them.

"I was after a shiny book."

"Did you get it?"

"Yes." I say holding it up so he could see it.

"Was it worth it?"

"No," I groan. "It's about math..."

He throws his head back with laughter and I can't help but chuckle a little myself. "Will you shut up and help me down?"

"Why didn't you just use the ladder?"

"Ladders are for cowards!"

"I use ladders."

"I rest my case. Now help me down!"

"Alright, alright, hold your horses. Here, jump down, and I'll catch you."

I'm reminded of the time Leo threw me out a window and fear clutches me tight.

"I can't."


"I'm scared."

"I'll catch you, I promise." I trusted him, and without a second thought I jumped squealing and landed safely in his arms. "See? Nothing to be afraid of." He grinned. I look into his eyes and notice they're his natural shade of soft green.

"No contacts?" I smile.

"Nope, not today." He sets me down on my feet, and I'm relieved to feel solid ground. "I was actually hoping to run into you."


"Yes, I wanted to ask if we'd be continuing our lesson. Especially now that you will be in this family."

"Of course, I'd love to."

"Good, but you'd have to make sure Daemon is okay with it," he warns. I stiffen realizing he knew Daemon knew about our kiss.

"Okay..." I nod in agreement. I awkwardly turn to leave, but spin on my heels when a thought comes to me. "Moreau? Why did you vote yes?"

"Because, their aren't nearly enough Royals like you around anymore."


Moreau sweet words replay through my head as I practically skip through the hall. I was in a hurry to ask Daemon's permission to recieve my lessons from Moreau, and I mentally push away all the chastisement I gave myself for having to ask Daemon to do anything. Just another reminder of how close I was to losing all free will I had. But no matter how much I thought of my screwed up life I wouldn't allow it to faze me. Nothing could break down my mood, nothing at all.

All of a sudden I feel someone pull me back in an embracing hug.

"Just the girl I was looking for!" She says.

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