♥ ○ Dont Judge Me ○ ♥

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Brielle P.O.V

5 Months Later

My life has been going very well. James and Cati get along very well. They have a daddy daughter relationship and I love it. Catilaya calls James Jamie, he thinks it cute for her to be calling him that. But when I say it he gives me the eye. In these past 3 months I got to know Malik real well. He even told me what he does. He's a drug dealer just like Jaleel. But the difference is he's trying to get out, but he needs to find someone responsible enough to take over his business. I understand now that his job and my job is alike. Both jobs ain't right but its the way to make fast money. I feel like I can't judge him because of my job. My job degrades women and his job simply gets people hooked onto drugs. But he makes his job look safer by telling me when people buy cocaine from him its the real thing and not stuff that can hurt them. I mean all cocaine can hurt them but the way he's implying is like its not the fake stuff that can automatically send them to the emergency room. I kind of feel wrong because I broke it off with Jaleel because of him being a drug dealer. I just get a different vibe from Malik though. He told me everything he wants to do with his life and he knows that the drug life is not his career. Its just one of those jobs that you have to have until you figure out exactly what you want to do with your life. James also understands the fact that I want to leave the state with Catilaya because of Jaleel. He says he would do the same thing because it is the safest for your little one. Jame's told me him and Jaleel has the biggest beef right now in the drug business. When he told me that I got kind of scared because I thought he was just preying on me and Catilaya just to get closer to Jaleel. But he reassured me that it was nothing like that. He specifically said "if that was the cause I wouldn't have brought my niece around you. Also I wouldn't have that feeling that I can take you to meet my mom's one day."After he said that I was all good. Jaleel still doesn't know about James and I. I mean me and James aren't exactly a couple but we're working towards that. We kiss and stay over each other houses but no sex or anything. He and I want to move slow. He says he doesn't want me to feel like I'm just a hit and quit or a quick bust. He wants our first time together to be special and memoriable. Thats another reason why I care for him so much. He's just so passionate about a lot of things. He completely different from most men. He shows his emotions and I fucking love that about him. I really would consider bringing him out of town with Cati and I. I mean they have a good relationship. So I know it won't be a problem. When I'm with him it just seems so right. Cati adores the fucking ground he walks on. I just feel like with him I can have the family I always wanted. He already treats Catilaya like his own so it would be perfect.

"Mommy when is Jamie coming over ?"Cati said interupting me out of my thoughts.

I smiled."He should be here any minute. Cati do you like Jamie ?"I asked her.

She nodded her head quickly."Yes, he nice to me. He buys me new toys and plays with me. And he likes you."She said.

"How you know he like me ?"I asked playfully.

"Because he always comes over and makes you smile. He hugs you all the time and he kisses you."She said. I smiled grabbing her off the ground and kissing her all over her face. She started giggling very loudly. Then the doorbell rang. Cati jumped off my lap and ran downstairs. I ran right behind her.

"Who is it ?"I yelled walking down my steps with Cati in front of me.

"Its me, Jaleel."He said sounding kind of angry. I opened the door and he just walked in without a hi and hello or anything.

"Hello to you too. What brings you by ?"I asked crossing my arms.

"C'mere Cati."He said ignoring my question. He whispered something in her ear then put her down. She ran up the stairs and he turned his attention back to me. He started walking towards me with anger written on his face.

"Okay then, what's your problem ?"I said watching him come closer and closer. Once he finally got face to face with me he pushed me to the wall.

"What the f-ck are you doing Jaleel ?!"I yelled at him.

"Why the f-ck am I hearing around town you f-cking with that n-gga James ?"He growled. I chuckled.

"What do you mean ? I'm a grown ass women and I can fuck with whoever I please."I said laughing in his face.

"Are you fucking stupid ? Don't you know me and him got beef. He's trying to fuck you over dumb bitch. I hope you don't be having this n-gga around Catilaya."He said through clenched teeth , banging his hands on the wall. Cati came downstairs and looked at us. "Catilaya get up stairs and do as I told you to."He growled at her. She ran up stairs whimpering. I pushed him.

"Just because you have beef with him don't mean sh-t. I already know what's up with him. My world doesn't evolve around you. And I'm gone need you to not yell at my f-cking daughter because you have f-cking jealousy issues. That sh-t was not cool. I don't give a f-ck if you try and yell at me. But don't you in your f-cking life yell at her. She didn't do sh-t to you. H-ll I didn't either. And yes James has been around Catilaya. I wasn't tripping when you had that b-*** around my daughter so I advised you to remember who you talking to. I'm not one of these random b-tches who let people talk to them any type of way. Don't f-ck with me Jaleel."I said walking up the stairs to go check up on Cati. He was walking right behind me still talking. I wasn't paying attention to anything he had to say. I just wanted to make sure my baby was alright.

Once I got into her room she was sitting on the floor crying. I picked her up off the floor and she wrapped her legs around my waist."Its okay baby."I said rubbing her back. Jaleel took her from my arms and walked out the room. "Ja give me my daughter."I yelled. Cati started crying even louder.

"H-ll nah, you been having that n-gga around my d-mn daughter. I'm taking Cati with me."He said walking down the stairs. I grabbed his arm but he pushed me down on the ground. I started crying And Cussing Him Out. I got back off the ground."Jaleel give me my f-cking baby."I cried out. I said pulling on his shirt sleeve. Cati was screaming and reaching for me. He pushed me again and I fell to the ground crying hysterically. He opened the door about to leave but there stood James.

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