~Chapter Two~

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~Chapter Two~

It's lunch and I found myself standing in front of the cafeteria's door. I don't know if I should go in or go to the library and wait till my next hour to start. Making up my mind, I took a deep breath and walked in. I don't know where Ian is sitting, but I don't care. He should sit far away from me and wont hurt me again. After getting my lunch, I looked around for a seat. The only seat that is half empty is the gothic group table. Once again, I took a deep breath and sat at the end of the table.

I hope they wont notice, I thought, trying to look busy. I should have brought my book with me so I can read and be left alone,I suggested, disappointed. I took a bite of my pizza and as always I stared at the table or my lunch. I was thinking about a lot of stuff in my head when a familiar voice spoke up, making my heart beat twice and my throat hurt.

"May I sit with you?" Ian asked, softly and gently.

I hesitated and spoke, quietly, "no." Why do I have to be here?I thought, angrily, furious with myself. I should've chose the library instead of facing him. I didn't except him to see me sitting here alone with nobody to talk to. He'll probably think or remember what he said when we were kids, I chewed my lip, nervously and unsure about that.

Ian went quiet. I don't know if he heard me right so I was about to answer him with the same answer I gave him when he spoke up before me.

"Why? What did I do?" he asked, confused and...hurt?

I looked up at him and met his blue-gray eyes. "You tell me what you did," I responded, getting up and picking up my unfinished lunch. I was about to side step him when he grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"Could we at least talk, Nora. I haven't seen you for awhile and besides I just got here and I found out that you're angry and upset with me when I didn't do anything to you," he replied, frustrated. 

"There's nothing to talk about, Ian. Its better off we shouldn't talk to each other," I suggested, my voice shoke, hurting even more, and meeting Joshua's glare that is directed at me. I knew what Joshua is thinking, but there's nothing I can do about it. He still thinks that I'm taking Ian away from him and it makes me wonder if Joshua is...

"So you're saying you don't want to be friends?" I swallowed and I regrettfully nodded. "Why, Nora? Could you please tell me what I did so I wont do it-" he begged.

"Ian," I cut him off, meeting his hurt gaze. "I don't want to cause-" I stopped and looked away, disappointed for blurting out my problem. Standing there with Ian makes me remember all my childhood memory with him, how sweet he was to me that it hurts.

"Cause a problem!?" he finished for me, puzzled. " What are you talking about?"

"Nothing," I only said, trying to pull away but he tightened his grasp. "Ian, please let me go," I pleaded.

He sighed, looking old. "Let's go talk somewhere," he suggested, taking my tray of food and dumping it in the trash and leading us toward the exit. But we didn't get to the exit because Joshua blocked our way. My heart stuttered, frightened, and I slowly hid behind Ian.

"Hey, Ian. How's it goin?" he asked, nodding his way while he eyed me. Joshua is dark skinned with black curly hair; brown eyes, that turned hard when its directed at me; chubby high cheek bones; big nose; full lips; a bit skinny, and hates my guts for some reason.

Noticing my fear, Ian narrowed his eyes at Joshua suspiciously. "Hello, Joshua. I'm fine. You?" he answered him.

"Fine, too. Where are ya' goin?" Joshua asked, trying to look nonchalant.

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