Although it wasn't really my style I quite liked it. It screamed Louis and that's mostly why I liked it. The only other reason was because it was crawling with books. The book shelves were double stacked with old, used leather bounds and newly added paper backs. I guess he was a book worm from the looks of it, which was a turn on.

I stood, slowly, to my feet and shuffled over to his desk where there were stacks of papers and agenda looking books. Out of curiousity I flipped through one of his hard covered books. Inside was filled with important dates and events, nothing that seemed interesting enough to dwell on until I spotted my name. In dark cursive my name was spelt out. I frowned deeply before continuing to flip through the pages wanting to see if there was anymore dates with my name sprawled on them. Coincidentaly there were, more than one actually. I was scared to say the least, why would Louis have my name written down on dates that were way before we'd even met?

Just as my hands started to shake with nerves the door creaked open. Immediately I slam the book closed and spun around to face the intruder but to find no one there but a barely opened door. I sighed in utter relief bowing my head and closing my eyes.

Stupidly I decided to leave the room once I realize theres nothing better for me to do. I crept out of the room on my tip toes trying my hardest to make the least noise as possible knowing there were three other vampires that lived here. Or I assumed there were three other vampires that lived here.

I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to hide beneath the fabric of the over sized sweat shirt, the cuffs cupping my hands and covering my neck, coming up over my chin quite a bit. The sweat pants drapped down my legs and fell just under my feet leaving nothing exposed.

I shuffled down the hall glancing from side to side at all the framed portraits of the four vampires, some paintings and some actual pictures. All were framed in expensive looking wood and placed too high up on the wall for me to reach with my hand.

I let my hand graze softly over the wall as I made my way down the narrowing hallway, scuffing up light dust. The hall seemed to go on forever with endless amounts of portraits and landscapes. My brows furrow as I see the end of the hall nearing but realize quickly it isn't so much as a dead end but a turn to the next hallway. Abruptly I come to a stop right in front of the curve of the next hallway turning to make sure I was still alone before continuing on my way.

I stumble over my feet and almost take a tumble down the random staircase before righting myself by gripping the railing and hauling myself up.

After I have righted myself, I take small, cautious steps down the stairs, the whole time looking down at my feet as to not trip or fall.

The whole trip down the stairs I can't seem to get my mind off the fact that Louis had my name written in his calendar, for some strange reason. The thought doesn't sit well in my stomach.

Just as my right foot hits the platform bellow a creak from the floor erupts. I look up from my feet, startled. My eyes lock with a pair of enchanting green and I noticeably gulp. He raises his arms up, with a guilty smile.

"I didn't mean to scare you," his soft Cheshire accent fills the silence. I nod appreciatively. I try to shuffle back, thinking maybe I could make a get away back up the stairs and into Louis's room where I could lock the door and hideaway till Louis returns.

"Look, Niall, right?" Harry asks tilting his head to the side slightly causing his mass of curls to tumble to the side. I nod slowly keeping my eyes trained on him. "I don't want you to be afraid of me, I promise you this, I won't try to eat you again. I, I uh was-" he tried to word his sentence, failing miserably. He scratches the back of his neck apprehensively, looking down at the ground like it could save him from having this conversation. He coughs before looking back up into my eyes. He shuffles closer, which I don't like too much so I take a step back up the stairs, staring at him warily. He puts his hands up in defence, "sorry. I'm new at this whole vampire thing. Newborn and all that. Can't control myself, and if I'm being honest I don't take a lot of things seriously which is why I thought it was funny to play with you. But I am truly sorry for frightening you so much."

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