Chapter Four

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"Who was first?" Athena asked.

"I was." Zeus responded. "Since your mother and I decided that you would be sent to earth, I decided to give you the power of controlling the elements, the Fates faces were approving, so next was your uncle Poseidon."

"What did he give me?"

"You can can change your form to any other person you'd want, however it is limited, and create illusionary images."

"I can do what!" Athena's mouth was agape. "But I've never done it before, how?"

"It is a limited ability darling." Metis smiled, "Poseidon with the Fates agreed that when you harvest the energy from the Earth's elements you can be extremely powerful to change forms as long as you can keep the energy flowing, your power will grow."

"And the images was such a fine touch." Zeus chuckled, "I would have never thought of it, but if you practice well enough, you can make someone see either their most desired dreams or their nightmare."

"I am in denial right now please give me a minute." Athena breathed.

Metis never let go of her daughter and Athena was welcome to her embrace.

"We know this is to much sweetheart, if you'd think you've had enough, please we will stop and go back to Olympus." Metis rubbed Athena's arm.

"I have a feeling there is so much more and it is a lot to take in, but I'll do with the last gift." Athena said. She needed time to think and walk. Explore most likely and be alone with her thoughts. She still never forgot Tony, who must be going crazy, and SHIELD doing everything they could to find her after her disappearance. It was all too much.

"Hades was indeed something different." Zeus started to smile on the thought. "Throughout the entire time you had been crying while Poseidon and I had given you your gifts, but once you landed in Hades arms, you stopped crying. You started giggling in his arms and played with his himation, all of us found it odd, except your mother. Every child Hades gave a gift to, was always crying or screaming. You were different, the Fates said you had the 'sight' and so Hades bestowed upon you the gift of rebelling, the Fates indeed agreed, I really did not, which can explain your smart mouth sometimes..." Zeus chuckled, "also, the ability to project mystic energy bolts and cast them between dimensions, materialize objects and people, which comes with controlling them, and lastly, being able to cast curses. Finally, the Fates named you the Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy, which is really about the wisdom, but I guess you can say you are your brother Ares counterpart, but wiser about your choices then he is."

If Poseidon's gift was too much for Athena already, this defiantly threw it out of proportion.

Much to Zeus' and Metis' surprise, she started to laugh, "damn, I really do have a smart mouth though, it explains all the grounding I had as a kid and I would tell my dad off when he would come home drunk..." Then slowly her laugh faded as she thought about her dad, but she could not bring herself to stop now, she had to explore all of these abilities and practice, an open field all to herself is all she needed. "I--I think now is a good time to go back, no? I'd like to rest and take all this in and practice."

"Why of course, you had a very tiring day darling." Metis rose with Athena at her side. Zeus joined them and embraced them tightly in his arms. Together, him and Metis called upon their respective ether's to travel back to Mount Olympus. Before Athena knew it she was back in the heavenly kingdom.

"Can I sleep or..."

"Why of course, but it is still very early in the day, are you sure?" Zeus said.

Athena nodded, "I'm tired and I need to sleep."

"Your brother will show you to your room then." Zeus smiled.

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