Your Child Is Sick ( Part 1 )

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Y/N POV: Taylor was resting in her bed and Oliver and I were watching the movie Iron Man, we were 1 minute in Iron Man when Oli and I heard Taylor stir upstairs she was moaning so loud which made us worry...when I walked upstairs and made my way to Taylor's room,I noticed that she had thrown up in her sleep which made me wake her up right away.

Taylor: What happened?

Y/N: Taylor, you threw up in your sleep.

Taylor: This is the worse I have ever felt.

Y/N: I understand.

Taylor: Mom.

Y/N: Yes, sweetie.

Taylor: I Think I'm going to be sick again.

Y/N: Time to get you to the bathroom.

Taylor's POV: I was laying on my mom's shoulder while she was escorting me to the bathroom so I wouldn't be sick on the carpet in my bedroom,my mom got me to the bathroom just in time for me to throw up in the toilet.

Y/N: After you finish, I want you to shower and put fresh pajamas on and go downstairs and lay down on the chaise in the living room and you can watch Iron Man with Oliver and I...if you want.

Taylor: do you mind getting my pajamas and underwear and also training bra for me from my dresser please while i handle my business please so i can be able to shower.

Y/N: I don't mind doing can also bring your Elsa throw blank if you want downstairs and you can watch the movie Iron Man.

Taylor: Thanks so much if i could feel better already, i would be happy but i am not feeling any better right now...i don't want to be sick the same amount of time like daddy was.

Y/N: I understand sweetheart but if it happens it just happens sweetie, don't worry i will help you get better sweetie, all you have to do is relax and let me handle everything sweetheart that is what mom's are supposed to do.

Taylor: Okay mom,i feel something coming hurts so much, I really don't want to throw up right now...i hate throwing up i really do...Ouch!

Y/N: You can do it, i know that you don't like throwing up but you will feel so much better when you are done...its going to be okay sweetie, it really is believe me.

Oliver's Pov: I was downstairs watching the movie Iron Man by myself while mom was upstairs with my sister Taylor, it was getting to be about 3 minutes into the movie when I started to feel kinda sick... I felt hungry so I paused the movie and went to make myself something to eat, hoping it would make me not feel sick anymore, after I got something to eat I played the movie and enjoyed my food...I felt better and was able to continue to watch the movie without feeling sick anymore,maybe I was just hungry because I felt better after I fed myself until it got about 5 minutes into the movie when the sick feeling that I had came back stronger than ever but this time my mom was coming back downstairs in the living room carrying Taylor's bed sheets that Tay threw up on while she was sleeping and taking them to the Laundry room downstairs to put them in the washer along with Tay's dirty clothes...once she came back upstairs from the laundry room and sat back down on the couch with me to watch more of the movie Iron Man...Mom thought that it should be a movie night knowing that Blake was doing a soccer game and because it would be wonderful because Taylor was going to be downstairs watching movies with us since she was sick and bored about being upstairs in her bed.

Y/N: Is everything okay Oliver.

Oliver: I don't think so.

Y/N: Great looks like another child of mines is getting sick.

Part 3 coming soon

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