Chapter 11: My Baby Might Be What?!?!?!

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C: Good, because there's also a few things that I would like to discuss with you.

E: Okay give us a minute.


S: What is it that you need to discuss with us?

C: For starters can you tell us why Edward may not cross the border?

S: Actually after what I was told, I'm pretty sure Edward has to pass.

E: My patience is running really low so you better spit it out and where is Jacob, you promised that you'd take care of him.

S: And I did. He is with Seth and Jared at the moment they are at Billy's house.

Es: Edward you need to calm down. Getting angry with Sam won't help anything.

S: It's okay now listen. The elders have said that you and Jacob should have gotten married before the baby was conceived.

R: Do they know that it is the 21st century?

E: What did you just say? (He all but shouted)

R: Ed I just...

A: Not you Rose.

R: Oh than whom?

E: What did you just say about my baby?

S: The elders said that if a baby from two different species is born out of wedlock that it will come out cursed.

E: What! Why didn't anyone tell me about this earlier?

S: We didn't know either Edward.

E: How's Jake taking all of this?

S: He was stressing a lot about it yesterday and ...

E: Yesterday! You've known this since yesterday but none of you bothered to call and tell us?

S: Because we had more important matters to handle.

E: I don't care. Jacob is my partner. I have the right to know how he's handling things.

P: Hey you may be all vampiry and stuff but you have no right to talk to him like that, he is our Alpha and you WILL respect him.

(Sam got a phone call from Billy)

S: Doc, Edward we need to get you to Jacob something is wrong with him Billy just called.

The wolves phased and with Sam and Billy's permission Edward and his family followed them to the Black.

~~~Black House~~~

Se: We tried everything and nothing wants to work. He's been screaming like that for the last 15 min. we tried cooling him down because he's sweating and burning up but it didn't work so we decided to call you.

S: Okay, let Dr. Cullen through.

Elder #1: Cullen?

S: Don't start with that now, Jacob needs help and Carlisle can help him.

Jasper was hunched over as if he were in pain.

A: Carlisle all the emotions in the room are too much for Jasper, so I'm going to take him back to the house.

C: Okay and if you get there get the room ready, we'll be on our way over there once I've stabilized Jacob.

A: Yes Carlisle, let's go Jas.

Elder #2: And where is it that you're taking Jacob?

C: I'm taking him to my house.

E: Carlisle has everything he needs to help Jacob over there and Yes Jacob imprinted on me.

Jakeward: Jacob and Edward- The Chosen OneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum