Chapter 10- Seriously, You're Being A Drama Queen

Start from the beginning

“I’m only mean because you’re a stupid jerk,” I murmur, walking into the hot and steamy bathroom.

“I’m meeting up with Macy today, in a few hours, actually,” Wyatt says as I’m closing the bathroom door.

“Macy? As in Macy Mitchell?” I query, suddenly forgetting the fact that it’s like, 8:15 now and that I have to be out of this house in the next twenty minutes in order to make it to school and subsequently, class on time.

“Yeah,” He nods awkwardly, clearing his throat. “I decided that I wanted to see Sammy and Henley.” Wyatt tells me.

“Well, that’s, um, that’s really good, Wyatt, I hope that works out for you,” I reply, offering him a small smile. See, this is one of those nice moments I was talking about when he’s not a completely selfish and jerky bastard. They’re very rare moments, though.

“Thanks,” Wyatt replies, running his fingers through his damp hair. “Do you know that I haven’t seen Sammy since his first birthday party? He’s two now, you know. Macy didn’t let me come to the second birthday party. And Henley, she’s seven weeks now and I haven’t seen her since she was like, one week,” He informs me with a regretful sigh. “Do you think I’m a bad dad? Honestly, I mean.”

“I really wish I had more time, but I don’t,” I say, looking at him intently. “But no, Wyatt, I don’t think you’re a bad dad. I think you’re a nineteen-year-old boy who’s really irresponsible and who isn’t ready to let go of his teenage years, nor are you ready to be a dad. But that’s the thing, bud, you are a dad, and I think that if you don’t start acting like one soon, your kids are going to grow up and hate you because they’ll think that you never cared,” I explain in a quiet tone.

“Okay, where’d that just come from?” Wyatt asks with a laugh.

“I take psychology,” I tell him with a shrug. “I can be deep when I wanna be.” I assure him.

“Right, okay then. Thanks, then, I think,” He replies with a small nod and another chuckle.

“Sure, anytime,” I reply, leaning back into the bathroom and closing it behind me.

I lock the door behind me and quickly undress before hoping into the shower, trying to disregard the fact that Wyatt was just in here, which sort of freaks me out. I know it’s really weird, but I really don’t like taking showers immediately after someone else. It just makes me feel so weird. Especially since it was Wyatt and not just my brother. Though, I guess he’s sort of like my brother, Wyatt is, since he and Caleb act like they’re brothers.

Ten minutes later, I’m out of the shower and dressed in my outfit for today, which I think is extremely cute. I’m wearing a pair of maroon colored skinny jeans, a sleeveless and thin-strapped pink corset shirt thing and a really big and comfortable sweater with a pink heart in the middle on over the corset so that I don’t like, get sick and die. My shoes are a pair of black studded leather boots that I hardly ever wear, though I don’t know why, because they’re super cute. A little too biker-girl-ish for me, I think, but cute, nonetheless. My hair is a bun atop my head and I have in a pair of black studded earrings.

Leaving my room, I make a quick stop in my room to throw my clothes in the hamper before I grab my car keys, backpack and phone before leaving my room, turning the light out as I go. I was hoping to escape without being noticed by my mother, but that dream is smashed right before me when I see my mother sitting on the ottoman in the living room as I walk through it. She’s typing on her laptop, probably doing some attorney stuff, but she’s obviously not so busy that she doesn’t notice me.

“Aria, there you are; you’re going to be late now, aren’t you?” She wonders, not looking up from her MacBook.

“Um, no, I think I can make it with a few seconds to spare,” I reply awkwardly, shifting my backpack to my other shoulder.

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