the test

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La'kya pov

I woke up this morning to a feel I had to throw up. I got out of bed and run to the bathroom. I swas so busy throw up I didn't realize that Jay had go up and was holing my hair. When I was done throw up I when to the sink and brush my teeth and king was brushing his to. When we was done we went back to the we room. We sat on the bed and silent. I was thing what was go on with me. I mean I have been throw up for the past week. I was think that I could be pergo and if I was I would he say, would he leave me, would the not - i got cut out of my thought with jay saying my name.

Jay: la

Jay: la la laaaaa

Huh? I said

What r u thinking about? He said pulling me on his lap which made me blush b/c I like when he make me sit on his lap.

Nothing.I said looking down paying with my fringer

There is something wrong b/c u started to play with ur finger and u r giving me on a words my sentences? He said getting a little mad

OK so u remember last week what we did that night?


Well I think that I got pergo that night.

"Well Did u take the test "

"No "

"Well can u take I plz"


I run in the bathroom got the test for under the cabin and peed on it and wait when I here the beep and look at it

The test came back..............

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