Marit McAdams.

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I groaned and turned around for the 10th time. I finally opened my eyes, realising I couldn't sleep anymore. I looked at my alarm and it was 9:15... still a little early for a Sunday if you ask me.

I sighed and sat up straight. I stretched a little and got out of my bed to open the curtains. Again, the light attacked my eyes. I blinked a few times and looked around.

Again, it was a nice sunny day, birds were singing, no clouds to be seen and Justin's curtains were still closed. I grinned to myself, the lucky bastard. I looked into the mirror and saw I still had some foundation on from yesterday, because I was too lazy to take it all of.

I decided to go downstaires to see if my parents were already awake. I walked down the staires and saw my parents sitting at the dinner table, discussing something.

"Morning." They shot up and looked at me.

"Uh, anything wrong?"

"No, no. Morning sweetie." My mom said kissing my cheek, then sitting down again. I looked confused but sat down.

"No, seriously.... What's wrong?"

"Kevin was here like, 45 minutes ago." I froze. What the hell would he be doing here? I thought mom 'fired' him?!

"He was kind of angry and he said you two had a little date or something?" I was being more and more confused, if that's possible.

"We told him you were asleep, that you were tired from yesterday. But he wouldn't leave at first, he seemed really mad." My fingers started to tremble.

"Honey, is there something we don't know about?" My mom asked me. Ok, that's it.

"Kevin abused me." I blurted out. Their eyes widened.


"Kevin abused me, every time when you were at work he would slap me, punch me, kick me, throw me against the wall. Every possible thing to hurt me and he would just lay me into bed so you would think I was tired from school, but that's not true. And I really wanted to tell you earlier but he said if I would tell you he would rape me, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I said crying into my hands.

"Oh, my little baby..." I heard my mom say. She walked up to me and hugged me tight, letting me cry into her chest.

"That sun of a-"


"We need to go to the police, he should be arrested."

"We can't just go to the police, what if they don't believe us." I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath.

"Actually, I got something that will help us." My parents looked surprised.

"Continue..." My dad spoke.

"Well... I took some pictures of myself covered in bruises, in case I needed to prove someone. And also, for school we needed to make our own 'voice-over', record it and then mail to our teacher, but half way trough one of them, Kevin stormed in, so everything is recorded and still on my laptop." I saw my dad smirk.

"Let's go. Now!" I quickly ran upstaires, no time to shower. So I quickly brushed my teeth en fixed my foundation.

I quickly got into some denim jeans and threw on a hoodie. I quickly put on some boots and grabbed my laptop and phone. Which were, almost, fully charged, YES!

I ran downstaires again. We locked the doors and got in the car, of to the police office. When we were driving, I got a text.

Justin: 'Going on a family trip? ;) xx'

Me: 'Ha ha. Also morning to you Mr. Stalker. And no, we are going to the police office, I'll tell everything later. xo'

Justin: 'Ok, be careful!! xx' I smiled and put my phone away.


"What can I do for you guys?" The police officer asked when we walked in.

"We want to report someone who has been abusing my daughter for months, without us knowing." My dad said. He got a paper and started to write something down.


"Male." My dad answered.


"Kevin Johnson."




"American I think."

"What's your name?" The officer asked me. Actually, he had a quite friendly looking face.

"Marit McAdams. M-A-R-I-T." 



"Sweet Jesus." He said looking surprised, he wrote it down and shaked his head.

"Poor children, they are all so young." He mumbled.

"What's your nationality, girl?"

"Dutch." He wrote it down and put down the pencil.

"Alright, do you, or do you not have prove, to show that you were abused by him."

"I do." I said and our my laptop on the counter in front of him. I opened it, luckily it was still on, and I opened some pictures.

"Exhibit A." I said turning the laptop towards him. His eyes widened.

"Wow, how often did you end up like this?"

"Everyday, except for Sundays or when my parents didn't have to work, which was barely." He looked at me sadly, must be hard to hear and see stuff like this.

I turned the laptop towards me and looked for the audio post. I found it and was ready to play it.

"Okay, exhibit B." And I pressed play. I sped it up towards the part where

Kevin stormed in. You heard a loud thud and the officer and my parents jumped a little.



"Where were you? I thought I said you needed to be down staires when I came!?"

"Yeah, b-but I got homework." You heard loud footsteps, then a little bang. Which was from my laptop, who fell on the ground.

"Let me teach you a lesson." You heard him say.

After that, it was just a lot of banging noises, me crying and screaming, asking him to stop. And him telling me to shut up and just kicking me and throwing me against the wall and floor.

"Next time you better listen to me." And then there was a loud bang from the door, which he smashed shut. You heard me sobbing and then the audio post stopped. I closed my laptop.

"That's all I got." I looked at my parents and they had tears in their eyes. I looked at the officer, and even HE looked sad.

"We will try to find him, I promise you. You won't be abused any longer." I smiled and hugged him tight. It feels kinds weird... hugging the police.

But it also felt safe. Hopefully, everything will be normal again.

The bully who fell for his victim ~ Justin Bieber. [Finished]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant