Marit McAdams.

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I woke up the next morning. Stretching a little and I looked at my alarm.

 10:12 Woah.

 I rubbed my eyes and stared at the ceiling for a while before getting out of bed. I opened the curtains, getting blinded for a minute and looked outside.

 It was a great day, very sunny. I looked at Justin's room and his curtains were already open, but he was still sleeping. He must've forgot to close them. He looked so cute and peaceful.

 I just turned around and went to turn on the shower. I chose some clothes to wear and walked to the bathroom again.

 I took a quick, warm shower and dried myself of after I was done. I blow-dried my hair and got into my bra and underwear. I put the clothes on I took with me and applied some makeup. Not that much, just some foundation, blush and mascara.

 I walked into my room again to see myself in my big mirror. I adjusted my shirt and looked for my shoes. I found my black Vans and put them on.

 I looked in the mirror again and thought I was good to go.

 I was wearing a black tank top with a denim button up shirt over it, but left it unbuttoned. I wore it with black shorts and some tights. I pulled up the sleeves from my shirt a little and put on some bracelets and a necklace. I pulled my hair up to a ponytail and I was done. (picture>>)

 I looked out of the window again and saw Justin standing there. Looking a little tired, running his hand trough his hair... he looked hot as a bed head. He noticed I was looking at him and he smiled. I smiled back and saw he walked over to his desk. He came back holding a big notebook and a sharpie. He started to write something.

 I walked closer to the window and saw he wrote:

 'Good morning beautiful'. I smiled and started to look for my notebook, which I eventually found, plus a sharpie.

 'Morning handsome, looking nice ;)' I held it up and he chuckled. He looked down, writing something again and held it up.

 'Still wanna hang out today?' I smiled and nodded.

 He turned the page around and it said;

 'Pick you up at 1?' I started to draw a little 'thumbs up' and showed it to him. He just smiled and walked out of his room, probably getting ready.

 I walked downstaires and saw my mom.

 "Morning mom."

 "Morning, I made eggs and bacon for you." She said kissing my cheek. I walked into the kitchen and the sweet smell entered my nose.

 "Do you need to work today?" She nodded.

 "I need to call Kevin." My eyes got wide.

 "No, no! Uh, I'm going to hang out with Justin. So you don't need to call him. And I'm way too old to have a babysitter anyways, mom!" She looked surprised.

 "I told you before, I don't want you to be alone because we just got here a few months ago."

 "But I know the neighbourhood now, right? And Pattie said I'm always welcome at their house." She sighed.

 "You're right... I'll text him he doesn't have to come anymore." I smiled.

 Mission accomplished.

 I finished my breakfast, brushed my teeth again and just watched tv till Justin would pick me up.

The bully who fell for his victim ~ Justin Bieber. [Finished]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz