Justin Bieber.

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I sighed happily. Today was great. I'm glad my family also like Marit. Even the little's do, Jazzy keeps asking me things about her.

I sat in the grass of the garden, staring at the sky which was still blue. I was all by myself, until I felt someone sit next to me. I turned my head and saw my dad. He looked at the sky, just like I did. So I turned my head again.

"She's a nice, beautiful young lady." He said and looked at me. I smiled.

"Yes, yes she is." I felt a, quite strange feeling, in my stomach. It felt like guilt. I still felt guilty against her.

"Son?" I heard my dads voice. I looked at him and he looked concerned.

"Want to tell me what's wrong?" I sighed. How am I supposed to tell this?

"I uh, me and- well I-" I scratched the back of my neck and took a deep breath. This was hard. I looked my dad in the eyes.

"Mom told you about Selena, right?" He nodded.

"Well... she said Marit was talking bad about her. That she was a slut and she needed to die and all that."

"But... she seems like such a nice girl."

"Now I know she is, but I never knew it before." He frowned, not getting what I meant.

"Selena wanted me to hurt her, because she said Marit was saying stuff about her that wasn't true..... And I did." I said, tears forming my eyes.

"I- I didn't know Selena lied. I didn't know Marit was the sweet girl she is... I just-" I burried my face into my hands.

I couldn't bare to see my dads face. He must be so ashamed of me.

I suddenly felt a hand rub my back. I looked up and saw my dad with a sad smile on his face.

"Justin, we all make mistakes. We're human, we make choices and sometimes they're not right. You know you are sorry for hurting her. That's important, that you learned for your mistakes. And I can see you want to make her happy."


"Son, don't think about it too much. Let it go. That was the past, this is now. Concentrate on the future, and leave the past things behind." I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks dad."

I lied down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I heard my door open so I sat up straight and saw my mom.

"Can I come in?" I nodded and layed down again. She went to sit next to me.

"Jeremy told me what you said." I sat up straight again.

"Mom I feel so bad."

"I know honey, but there's no need to. It's all over now, right? And it turns out you really like each other. Just pay attention to what's happening now, okay? Everything's going to be alright." I smiled and hugged her.

"Thanks mom." She smiled and left my room again, closing the door behind her. I let myself fall on the bed again and got my phone.

'@justinbieber: Everything's going to be alright, I promise.' I tweeted.

That sentence repeated in my head all over again. I decided to get into a normal black t-shirt and some sweatpants, closed the curtains and crawled into bed. I thought for a little while, that sentence still repeating in my mind.

Everything's going to be alright.

The bully who fell for his victim ~ Justin Bieber. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now