A New Love 2

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Reba and Narvel exchanged small talk, Reba learned he was also divorced after a 23 year marriage and 2 kids, Shawna and Brandon, he also sold insurance but still had a childhood dream of playing the steel guitar. She also revealed that she was a divorcé with 3 children and a grand baby, with a childhood dream of being a country singer "but the cheatin' husband thing kinda got in the way of that!" she said. Ironically both the companies they worked for used the same program so they were actually going to the same place, which opened doors for new topics i.e what they where planning to do once in Europe. After about 2 hours Reba couldn't help but yawn she'd been up all night packing, and repacking, making sure she had EVERYTHING she needed. "You don't mind If I take a little nap do ya?" She asked tiredly "oh, go right ahead I'm sorry didn't realize you were so tired" he smiled then turned to look out the window while she drifted into a restful sleep. He couldn't help but look at her while she slept so peacefully, she was like a red headed angel.

She awoke some 3 hours later to see Narvel still looking out the window, "Well good morning" he said with a smirk as he looked her way "They just brought the menus over I saved one for you" he leaned over and picked one up off the floor, Reba couldn't help but notice how strong his back was, she had to admit he was pretty hot... and tan, not like Brock though, a REAL tan...from the sun not some cheap tanning bed! "Here" he said handing her the 4 page laminated menu "oh thanks" she replied smiling.

He continued staring out the window, every now and then glancing at Reba as she looked over the menu. The Flight attendant, a young perky brunette, came to collect orders 3 minutes later. Reba decided on the Chinese lunch special, it came with Orange and Sweet and Sour chicken, fried rice, 2 egg rolls, and hot tea. Narvel ordered the only other thing that she was considering on the menu, the Paradise Pizza, it was a mini pizza with olive oil and garlic instead of tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, onion, fresh tomato, basil and grilled herb crusted Salmon! She did admit it sounded odd at first but it also sounded delicious! She gave Narvel a 'how'd you know?' Look.

Their food arrived some 25 minutes later, still hot, the aromas brought a smile to Reba's face. Everything was perfectly placed, like at a fancy restaurant! The food was set on table like trays in front of them. Reba took a bite of the orange chicken first, she sighed with delight it was the best she'd ever had, sweet then spicy. After she finished her meal, she ate it rather quickly, she couldn't help but stare at Narvel's pizza. "You want a slice?" He said gesturing to the 3 remaining slices. "Oh no, I couldn't" she said "oh come on! It's really good and I don't mind" he said "oh alright, if your gonna twist my arm!" She said jokingly as he handed her a piece. She inhaled the smells before taking a bite it was just as good as she imagined! The flight attendant cleared their plates away.

They talked for a long while, about their kids and exes, they became very fast friends, laughing at each others jokes and telling stories, until the plane landed in New York where they were to switch planes to Europe. Reba reached above the seats on her tippy toes to get a small travel bag, when she lost her balance Narvel caught her, he planted a quick kiss right on her lips, she was stunned to say the least!

An hour and a half later everyone was in the new plane, Reba spotted Narvel and went to sit by him again and hopefully get some answers! But a short busty blonde beat her to the seat "Hey there cowboy" the mini BJ said in a shrill voice. Narvel looked at Reba for help as he cleared his throat and stuttered a "h-hi" Reba rolled her eyes and found a different seat, it was on the other side of the plane behind them 2 rows, she had a perfect view of the back of their heads...

As the plane took off she decided to listen to music, but honestly she had no clue what she was hearing, she couldn't take her eyes off the flirting blonde, she could tell Narvel was very uncomfortable. Then she decided to read but she still found her eyes wandering over to the odd couple. The whole time all she could think about was what that kiss meant...she tried not to let it get to her but she couldn't help herself.

A New Love, RebaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang