Chapter 2: Upon Introductions

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Once my Agera pulled to a stop people surrounded my car instantly. I looked to my right to where all the racers were just looking at my car. No one knew who I was here and no one will never know the real me. I opened up the door and it slid up (butterfly doors) I put my leg out the door along with my other one. My red high heel pumps touching the gravel as I lifted myself upwards to where everyone could see me.

I had a tight white crop top with red lettering that read QUEEN, which came one inch just below my breast. The straps crossed each other across my back, exposing my shoulders. I also had on dark denim skinny jeans that clung to my body like a second skin. My blonde hair was in a half up, half down wavy hairstyle that led to me putting the top part in a bun. My make-up was done perfectly where I had done a smokey eye shadow to bring out my light blue eyes, put on fake eyelashes, added eyeliner to the bottom of my eyes instead of the top, and to top it off I added bright red lipstick. My tan skin complexion went perfectly with the red lipstick.

I heard gasps all around me as I shut my door. I began walking to the registration to pick up my winnings. While I was walking I heard guys say "Dang she's hot!" "I'll do her." I just smiled and shook my head. I reached the registration and said, "Queen." The registration boy looked at me in disbelief, I kind of figured that would have happened since everyone was betting on Marco to win. Believe me I scoped this place out before I even came to race here. I had to see whom I would be going up against. There were twenty-nine racers before I joined, I make thirty total in all.

The registration boy handed me my money, which I was thankful for. I was actually getting tired of the stares everyone was giving me especially the racers. As I was walking back towards my car counting my winnings that added up to be three thousand dollars, a girl stopped me. I looked at her and noticed her as Jasmine Monroe little sister to Asher Monroe the bad boy at Eastview High home of the Cardinals.

"Hello, I'm Jasmine. I couldn't help but notice like everyone, you're a new racer to the Underground." Jasmine all but said in a rush.

"Yeah, just thought I would give it a go in the Underground. I'm Queen by the way." I smiled sticking out my hand towards her to shake. She grabbed my hand almost instantly shaking it up and down smiling at me.

"Queen? What kind of name is that? Oh never mind." She laughed when she looked at my shirt, my gold necklace that read queen in cursive, and at my car before smiling and saying, "Oh, I get it! I also noticed that it was on your license plate and written on both sides of your car in cursive. It's a cool name and after that race it will most definitely stick with you."

"Why do you say that it will stick with me after that race?" I pretended to play dumb but I already knew the reason why it would stick with me now.

"Well for starters you just beat Marco. He is one of the toughest racers here at the Underground. Secondly, you're a newcomer that nobody knows or even heard of. Anyone who beats Marco gets remembered no matter what and they most definitely will remember the hot girl named Queen in the Underground." She smiled proudly at me.

I just smiled and shook my head. "Well thanks for that information, but I should really get going." I said while trying to walk around her.

"Wait!" Jasmine exclaimed. "Come hang out with me and my friends we are waiting for my brother to race and you can watch with us." She gave me pleading look as to say stay it will mean a lot to me. I couldn't just say no to her so I told her, "Ok." She jumped up and down and dragged me along to her friends, which happened to be three guys chilling beside two Lamborghini Elemento's. Two of them were leaning on each of the hood off the car, while the other one was standing in the middle between them. I fell in love instantly with the cars before me. They were so beautiful.

"Hey guys this is Queen." Jasmine introduced to the three guys. They were all looking at me not saying anything before the light brown head boy with grey eyes leaning on the black sleek Lambo introduced himself as Kye.

Kye pointed towards the dirty blonde head guy with brown eyes and introduced him as Finn. All that was left was the brunette head guy with brown eyes sitting on charcoal Lambo and Kye introduced him as Zach and he just gave me a head nod.

All I could do was smile and say hello before Jasmine dragged me off towards her car that happened to be a red Ferrari. We leaned up against it waiting for the race to begin. The engines began roaring to life as I leaned against the Ferrari with my newfound friend.

"GO!"The cars took off leaving smoke and the sound of squealing tires behind. Thisis where I belonged as I smiled.

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