"You enjoying yourself there, Buddy?" Rick smiles, as he watches me begin to struggle again with Samson. I just laugh and flip him the bird when Anna isn't watching.

"Now, less than a quarter of a mile up here on your right will be a little campsite that we always take breaks at. There's a swimming hole, picnic tables, a fire pit and more." Our instructor announces, looking over his shoulder to glance at us. We both nod our heads and continue riding in that direction. After several minutes of bouncing around on Samson, we finally arrive at the campground. I get off, struggling and almost losing my balance, but thankfully I manage not to embarrass myself too much.

"This is where I'll be leaving you, but don't worry I'll be back in an hour or so." Rick says, leading his horse away from the campsite. I'm actually glad he is gone, now this way I can spend some quality time with Anna. We tie our horses to the nearby post, making sure to secure the rope.

"Isn't this place just lovely?" Anna looks about the open farm land, admiring the beauty of nature. I must admit the rolling fields and swimming hole looks so nice. I am so very lucky that I get to spend my day with such an amazing woman.

"It is. Would you like to go for a dip?" She quickly nods, saying,

"I'll race you!" Before I even have time to comprehend her words, she has already taken off like a bolt of lightning. I laugh and start to run after her, watching as her pale legs carry her body closer and closer to her destination.

"I won!" She announces proudly, stopping before getting in. I have to catch my breath before getting in. I will have to admit, Anna is a very fast runner and that, I guess, is a good thing. I actually thought I would beat her here, but she certainly proved me wrong.

"Yes, you won." I say, sliding myself into the cool water after ridding my body of the extra clothes. I watch as Anna pulls off my T-shirt and jeans, leaving her in some of her under garments. She dips her foot in, testing the water, before slowly emerging herself the rest of the way in. As soon as she is completely in, I pull her body close to mine, my lips meeting hers and everything else seems to fade away. When I am with her, my life feels complete and just whole, I wouldn't know what to do without her.

"It feels good to be alive, again." She smiles, pecking my lips before resting her head on my chest. I keep my arms wrapped around her body, keeping us both afloat. I wish I could stay like this forever, and since Anna has joined the mortal life again, maybe we could spend the rest of our lives together.

"I love you, Harry." She whispers, squeezing me. I hug her back and reply back with,

"I love you too, Anna." It seems like we stay this way for hours, but in reality we only spent an hour. Rick has finally came back and is urging us to get dressed and saddled up. Even though I dread it, I know we need to get home. The sun is beginning to set and the temperature is slowly dropping. we both get out and dry off the best we can, before putting our clothes back on. I take Anna's hand and lead her back to the horses. Once on the animals, we ride back the way we came.

"I'm so glad you brought me here, Harry." She thanks me, smiling while doing so. I am, too, glad I decided on coming here, because it turned out to be a pretty damn good day. After a while of riding, we finally make it back to the stables. We get off of the horses and thank Rick for being our instructor. I take Anna's hand in mine again and lead us back to my truck.

"I had so much fun today," she says, opening her door just as I'm getting in. I agree with her and shut my door. I grab my phone out of the console to find six missed calls from my mother. My eyebrows crease and I know something is wrong. Yes, my mother can be very overprotective and annoying at times, but she normally doesn't call so many times without a good reason.

"Is there something wrong?" Anna ask, looking concerned from the passenger side. I nod my head and say,

"Maybe... I'm not for sure. My mom called six times and she never really does that unless something is up." I explain, dialing my mother back. It rings twice before she answers.

"Thank God you called me back. Where have you been? And why didn't you answer me?" She immediately starts asking questions.

"It's a long story, just tell me what's going on." I decide it will be easy to tell her later of my events for today.

"It's your father, Harry..." She trails off and I want to hang up the phone so bad. She knows how much I hate my father and I have even wished him dead before. "I know you dislike him-" I cut her off,

"I don't dislike him. I hate him. He treated both of us so poorly and I will never forgive him of the things he has done." I can hear my mother sigh on the other end, but she needs to hear the truth. She already knew I hated his guts, but I guess she needed to be reminded.

"Well, I called to tell you he is dying. I am with him at the hospital, he really wants to see you and apologize while he still can." I cannot believe this! My mother, of all people is with that disgusting piece of a man? And she actually thinks that I give a shit that he is dying? I have wished him dead for years and I guess my wish is finally coming true.

"Why would you go see him after everything he has done to us?" She has no reason to be there. Yes, I know it's none of my business what my mother does, but she is crazy to be there.

"Harry, we must learn to forgive. I could never have moved on without seeing him again. He apologized for everything he had done to both of us and even as hard as it is for me to forgive this man, I knew I had to and I encourage you to do the same." I roll my eyes at her words and say,

"Have you been going to church again?" I am not against church or God, but it seems every time she attends the building she feels the need to constantly do the right thing, which isn't really a bad thing, but still, I will never be able to forgive my poor excuse of a father.

"Yes, but that has nothing to do with this." She raises her voice, obviously getting irritated with me. I glance over at Anna, noticing an odd look cast upon her face.

"I need to go." With that I hang up and turn to face her. "Is something wrong?" I ask, wondering why she looks so upset.

"Harry, go see your dying father." She speaks, with such a gentle and sweet voice, much more convincing than my mother's, but I still can't seem to have the ability to say 'yes' and go see him.

"I don't know." Is all I can seem to say.

| Authors Note |

I cannot believe there is only 3 more chapters left. I've been writing this story for so long and I've become attached to my own characters lol

I HIT OVER 20K FOLLOWERS LAST NIGHT! 20,000 was my goal for the whole year and I managed to get that in just a few months which is insane! I cannot thank you guys enough.



Dedicated to: @heyitsmary24 for best comment!

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