"I don't know what that means, but if I find it's bad, The Fury is going to find you!"   Karofsky slapped Kurt's binders out of his hands as Joe pushed him into the lockers again.

The boys high fived each other as they continued down the corridor. I picked up Kurt's suppiles for him as he pryed himself from the lockers. After he composed himself, I handed him his binders.  

"Kurt, I'm so sorry! I should have never let you-"Kurt, in my office."  

 We both turned to see Mr. Shue on the other side of the hall. Kurt adjusted his satchel then gave me a little nod, leaving with Mr. Shue. I looked down the halls at Joe and Karofsky, laughing it up with the rest of the football team. I couldn't help but shake my head.  

 "If you think they look idiotic talking all the way down there, you should hear them in the locker room." Finn came up from behind and leaned on the lockers.  

I laughed and turned around, "Try hearing Joe at home, it's like he's in love with himself."  

"Pretty much the same way here," Finn smiled then looked around, "Where's Kurt? I thought I just saw him with you."  

 I sighed, "Mr. Shue called him into his office...he saw Joe pick on him."  

 Finn looked back in the direction of the team and narrowed his eyes. Even thought Kurt's Dad and Finn's Mom were only dating, it was obvious that Finn already sees Kurt as a little brother. Anyone could tell that he loved him in that brotherly way that all siblings should. I looked over by Joe and Nick and sighed, I wonder what that feels like.  


I laughed with Mercedes as we made our way into the choir room. Mr. Shue scheduled a last minute rehearsal, which wasn't very last minute since sectionals is on it's way. Still, Joe was pissed off that he had to come back to school to get me in a hour...pssh, like I was thrilled that he was picking me up.

 We took our seats next to Kurt and Tina as Mr. Shue took the floor. After giving a short speech on how he felt that some people weren't getting treated eqaully in the group, I glanced over at Kurt, he then told us about how he was changing up our little contest. The boys now had to sing songs traditionally sung by girls and girls had to perform a song done my boys.  

I smiled, this should be fun. Plus, it meant that I didn't have to hear Rachel rave about which Babara solo that she wants to add to the mashup. I looked over to Kurt, he looked so happy that he could jump out of his seat. I smiled, it was the old Kurt..the one that we all know and love. The boys went to the classroom across the hall so they could talk and maybe even practice as the girls stayed put.  

"We should do The Rolling Stones!" Tina smiled widely.  

 I smiled, "Maybe with a little Bon Jovi?"  

Lightbulbs went off in our minds as we started talking about song choices.  


Grew up in a small town

And when the rain would fall down

 I'd just stare out my window...  

I wrote the lyrics down as I sat on my bed. I was trying my hand at song writing lately, no one knows...not even Kurt. Why should they know? It's not a big deal, it's just a way that I relive stress at the end of a rough day. I rolled my eyes at the thought of today. Not only did watching my best friend get bullied ruin it, but the car ride home with Joe was just so unbearable. All that he basically did was insult me and the club, luckily, I learned how to tune him out. I tapped my pencil agantist my black binder along with the beat of my song.  

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