Chapter 10

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(Kaitlyn's POV):
This is gonna be my first time meeting Joe, I've seen him on the Internet, but I don't know him very well.

We're arriving in London in about 2 hours! I can't wait! It'll be great being roommate again, especially since what happen.

"Hey Rach, I'm going to the McKenzie's party, wanna come," I asked.

"What are you doing? We have our biggest exam of the year, tomorrow," she said.

"Stop being such a worry wart," I said. I knew Rachel cared about her academics, but I really wanted to go to the party.

Rachel told me not to go, because she wanted me to do good on the exam.

Honestly, I don't care; I could just drop out. I can be a photographer.

Rachel went to sleep extra early to get a good nights rest.

I made sure she fell asleep, then snuck out, quietly. I called a taxi and arrived a little late.

McKenzie's house was absolutely amazing, he parents are super rich. 90% of me just came here for the food.

(Rachel's POV - still in flashback):
My ringtone went off. Damnit, I forgot to put my phone on silent, great!

I picked up my phone, it was Kaitlyn. "What the hell are you doing? Where are you?"

It was 3:23 am.

"Rachel, I'm tired, can we go to the zoo?" She asked. I knew she was drunk. "I'm on my way," I mumbled.

I called a taxi, though it was quite awkward when when he started questioning me, about why I was awake at 3 am.

I finally arrived at Mckenzie's "house" and told me taxi to wait a minute. I went inside, since the door was already opened. I saw Kaitlyn on the floor.

"Oh, my god," I moaned. Mckenzie was trying to drag Kaitlyn out of her house. Everyone else was gone.

"Take your sicko friend," Mckenzie said. I grabbed Kaitlyn's arms and dragged he out to the car the best I can.

As we arrived home, it was 4ish. "What the hell? I told you to stay home," I said.

"stop yelling, i need sleep," she moaned. She flopped into her bed and instantly fell asleep. "Ugh, I have 2 hours to sleep," I mumbled.

For the rest of the 2 hours, I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

That morning, she woke up moaning even more. "Rachel, my head hurts." She said.

"Obviously, you were out drinking and now you have a hangover. Then, I had to go pick you up last night, making me unable to fall asleep." I said.

We went to our college class and prepared to take the exam. I fell asleep right through it and so did Kaitlyn.

I was so mad at Kaitlyn, I didn't speak to her the whole month, which is a lot, since we are roommates and best friend.

*end of flashback*

(Kaitlyn's POV):
I was really mad at myself for that. I told myself, I wouldn't drink anymore and I haven't.

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