Chapter One: Chryssa, New Kid, and Worst Person Ever (Part One)

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I guess people don't know much about "Percy Jackson." But whatever, most people never met him, I didn't, well before the incident.

Yeah I bet you're wondering What? You met him?. Yeah I did, it's personal, I guess.

I never wanted this way, it was all her fault. Who is her? Well let's just get into this story.

It was the first day of the third quarter, January 11th. I was bored as ever swirling my pencil on the desk. It was the first class of the day which was history for me. We were learning about Roman Gods and stuff, we just started it. I always got to school early so there was no point of standing in the crowded hallway. Sitting in the classroom was fine, just me and Jack which was an A+ Student. Just between you and me, he is really rude.

I knew it was going to be a very bad day when the bell rang. Students came rushing in. My backpack was pushed to my chair so it wouldn't get stomped on. I heard my name be called, not by the teacher but some kid. "Neo! You look good." I turned around to see Jack, his hair back, nerdy glasses, and a bow tie. "Hello Jack." I said trying not to sound like I hated him. The teacher gladly made him sit down so I sat there twiddling with my pencil.

"Yo, Neo did ya get the homework done on the weekend?" One of the popular kids asked. I didn't really want to say yes, but I knew someone would say something if I replied with no. I replied with a shiver. "Uh...yes." I said quietly trying to avoid the Oh you did? Give me the answers answer. They smirked at me, and I really hoped they wouldn't say that. They walked away I slumped back into the desk, my hair flipped into my face. As I pushed it back up everyone sat down as the teacher put her hand up. "Good morning students, and welcome to the third quarter, please everyone take a seat." She informed everyone.

I wasn't suspecting for someone to walk in shyly into the classroom. "Oh and we have a new student. Everyone meet uh.. how to pronounce your name?" Ms. Locke asked the new girl as she walked in. "It's Chrysanthe, kree-SANTH-eh. But for short you can call me Chryssa." She smiled then turned around to see the class, and looked like she found me first. "Who is that?" She pointed right at me, the whole class was looking right at me. I hid myself, my hair fell down on my face again, and my glasses fell off. "Him? That is Neo, Neo Evercreech." Ms. Locke replied to Chryssa's question. "Real name please." Chryssa asked, looking serious. I never even told anyone my real name, the teacher didn't even know. "Sorry, I don't know it. He never told me it." Ms. Locke said turning to Chryssa.

Still embarrassed me, was hiding himself under pretty much every little thing in the classroom. Everyone was watching me, looking at Chryssa then me again. I just had to say something before she came running at me. "Its...Neophytos. gave me that name." I looked up, still shyly as ever, and there she was standing at my desk. I jumped, of course, being the stupidest person ever. "Thats an Ancient Greek name, they barely use it anymore." She said swirling her hand. "Makes sense, your name is an Ancient Greek name." I said crossing my arms.

"How did you know that? I never told anything about where it came from." Chryssa asked pretty much just yelling in my face. "I think we should start class, good for you there is a seat right there." I pointed to the one right next to me. She sat down looking back at the teacher and everyone else. "Come on let's get started." She flicked her hand and everyone got to work.

I watched as we learned about Roman gods and history. Some questions were asked, some were by Miss Chryssa next to me. Someone asked what were some roman names. I didn't want to answer but they asked me anyway. I was pretty much trembling from Chryssa. "Well there is Iovita, Nero, Cloelia, and Vita." I called, not trying to sound weird.

It was almost time for the bell to ring. I just sat there thinking about other things. Then my name was called.

"Neo!" Ms. Locke said as she smacked down the book on her desk. I jumped again and my glasses fell off, right to the floor. "I asked you a question, what was the god of water's name?" She asked me, I looked down at my book and the words just flew off the page, I couldn't even read them. I picked up my glasses, and said well something. "Uh Neptune?" Still I was really hoping the bell would ring.

Ring Ring Yep there is was. Ms. Locke didn't even say if I was right or not, everyone just ran out the door. I got up and started to walk out the door too. But guess who stopped me, just guess. Yeah it was Chryssa.

"Hey, I saw you had a hard time." She looked at me. I felt weird when she was talking to me, she was the new kid after all. I looked back at her, trying not to blush. "I..- Yeah I do have a little hard time." I crossed my arms looking at the ceiling.

She took something out of her bag, looked something..well in a different language. I somehow knew how to read it. Amaze I looked at her.

"What is this?" I asked still amazed.

"It's in Greek if you wondering." She said. I looked down at the paper it said One heart will carry on, just don't give up. I tell you, don't.

I have no idea what that meant but I didn't really care. "What does it say?" She asked looking at me, then smiling. "Well it says One heart will carry on, just don't give up. I tell you, don't." I replied, then went into my locker and started to grab stuff. She just stood there looking at me.

"Yes, what do you want?" I asked turning to look at her. I know she wanted to ask something, her brown hair shined in the winter sunlight, and her green eyes just was calling that she wanted to ask something. She blinked and shook her head. "Oh it's just..." She stopped, looked at me and then looked down. "Did you know your father?" Chryssa asked finally then leaning on the locker. "No, my mom raised me by herself, but she said my father was the best person she ever met." I turned back to head to my next class. But I heard a small voice next to me. "Me too." That voice was Chryssa's but why did she say me too? I was pretty much questioning everything right then and there but before I said anything the bell rang.

I ran for my life, trying not to hit anyone I jumped into class and sat down.

Many people gave me dirty looks. I looked around people stared at me. What the? Are you people like insane? I have been you people's class ever since kindergarten! God I do wish what was going on, then it hit me, literally. Chryssa was on her knees in front of my desk, and she hit me with a book. I touched my hand, it looked red. "Chryssa, what are you doing?" I asked her then she poured water on my hand. What...really? 

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