The Unexpected Past

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A/N okay I hope you enjoy this chapter it took a while to write

After a while I sat back down thinking about what I will do next until out of nowhere the area 360° around me went up with smoke and I looked forward while confused a decent bit and saw a shadowy figure start walking closer and closer to me I quickly stood up and got somewhat ready to fight until the figure in a peaceful way raised its hand and spoke in a deep and yet recognizable voice speaking "peace my child, for I am not here to hurt you I am truly here only to tell you why you have a big journey ahead of yourself" suddenly the smoke dropped to reveal the figure to be someone who I once thought to be dead "g..g..grandfather" I spoke while in shock
"Yes granddaughter it is I, I did not pass like I had you and your father believing" he spoke in a gentle manner careful not to speak to loudly or too quietly just loud enough to be heard and understood
"But why did you pretend to pass, I went through months of grieving after that and father went back to drugs which led to us losing the house and well when dad got a place with his dealer well I refused and was forced to live on the streets learning how to fend for myself and how to get meals when I could. My childhood was ruined, you were our glue" I said shaking with sadness
"I know my child and well I had to let you grow up and learn how to fend for yourself and not rely on the protection of others" he said still calm as ever which made me mad "So grandfather why are you here telling me all this" I quickly snapped
"Because my child there is something about your family you never knew, your father had refused to believe this fate and decided not to follow the path of his ancestors. But I wish for you to follow the path, the one your father never dared to" he took a deep breath "I wish for you to take the path of the Smoke Warriors, a legendary fighting force kept secret for generations after generations but yet everyone has encountered one forever they have fought for many wars yet no one knew. It all started in the American revolution, some of the british soldiers (some of the best) agreed with what America was doing and wanted to help fight but didnt want to be noticed doing so, so they came together and all wore different clothes to blend into the forest or fields during battle and help the Americans and it went on during WWI they fought in the trenches looking to help the Americans once again then came WWII when they sided with no man because well as the years passed it wasnt just British or American soldiers it was anyone who rebelled against the army of their country and wished to be part of a stronger force and around the time of World War II they had some German soldiers and they, no matter how bad Hitler was wished to side with him so to keep the Shadow Knights a secret and their German soldiers in the organization they compromised to not side with anyone but to just watch and see who won for real. "This led to Hitler losing and well after that they had decided not to have any part in the war in the Middle East and decided to be low key for a while during that low key time they had a few scientists on thier side so the organization had them conduct a series of experiments and made them well Smoke Warriors for real now giving them the ability to turn themselves to smoke and travel around at unbelieveable speeds and to control the smoke around them them. But now they can no longer lie low for their is an enemy greater than any they could have imagined" he spoke for so long I about fell asleep
"Okay Granfather I get who they are and their business now how are we involved in this mess of an organization" I spoke now calm and a little drowsy from that story
"Back during the low time I had just gotten a dishonorable discharge from the American Army and about a mile or two away from the base this car pulled out in front of me and as we both came to a screeching halt I got out all pissed off and yelling at the driver as I saw a gust of smoke fly over me suddenly and land next to me. I was confused until a man came out of the smoke and spoke softly careful not to catch the attention of anyone around so me and him took a walk as he explained to me what the Shadow Knights were and why they thought I needed to be part of this, at first I was a little hectic about the whole situation but then I realized if this was secret and he just had told me about it then if I refuse to join he would kill me so I joined and well I havent done much just odd jobs since then except one, his name was Jacob Sacweu. Me and him fought many times none of those times ending good, every time we both walked away damaged but with more knowledge than before." Calmly spoken as before which still annoyed me

I being upset again asked "okay so how am I involved in all this"

"Because he is back. Jacob I mean he is back but since he is too old to fight he has trained his son that like mine refused to take the path of the Smoke Warriors so instead he has been training his grandson as I wish to train you my granddaughter."

"Grandfather you must be mental I cant fight his grandson, hell I can barely fight a guy off the streets" I said with a bit of worry

"That is why I wish to train you, you will be a amazing warrior maybe even surpassing the skills of me"

"I guess you could" "I said while my worry was still growing

"Dont worry my child for you will be fine and you will defeat him and we will end this" he spoke his voice again soft

A/N thank you for reading I hope you are enjoying it so far I recently had to go through a title change to fit the story so let me know if I made a mistake

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