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A/N sorry this is so short but trust me chapter two will make up for it

I slightly opened my eyes only to be blinded by a bright light so obviously, without any real thought I shut my eyes again and relatively quickly. Finally, after about a minute or two I opened them again to only again be revealed to the bright light, so unfortunately against my own will had to keep my eyes open to finally adjust them to the bright light around me. When they had adjusted I looked around only to reveal a field of daisies, although this confused me a lot I for one still had my clothes on thank god and two decided to study my surrounding area a bit more. I mean there is no reason to be confused any longer than a second so I looked around to find nothing just well, daisies. So there I was just standing there no idea what to do I was standing in the middle of a field of daisies with no hint of civilization for many, many miles I was just standing there, clueless.

A/N this was just a beginning chapter this story is gonna get oh so much more exciting
*hand heart*

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