To End On An Even Note

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I saw the flash of lightning and sickly colored sky.

I felt a surge of satisfaction knowing that my plan had somewhat worked. We had the right person.

I looked out of the back window of the carriage, and my eyes nearly bugged out of my head at what I saw.

Nile had his rifle aimed at Erwin, who was handcuffed. I got out of the carriage, as did Levi.

"You are a traitor!" Nile screamed, the rifle shaking in his hands. "I could kill you now, and the higher ups would have NO problem with that!"

"Go ahead," Erwin said. "But take over my command. Frans is in charge of statistics, Rukia is in charge of the cannons...."

"Wait! No!" Nile cocked the rifle. "SHUT UP!!"

"And Dan is in charge of the rear flank," Erwin said. "This. Is. For. HUMANITY."

"Do you really think this is for the good of humanity? The city is crumbling and people are dying as we speak."

"A small sacrifice to pay if we capture the female titan and take a step forward as mankind. It could be much worse."

I almost started cheering for my commander then and there. The man had guts to stand up to Mr. high and mighty, also known as Nile Dok.

There was another flash of lightning, and my stomach dropped. Things were not going the way I wanted it to. Either way, there was going to be a titan fight, and citizens were not evacuated yet.

"I will leave your execution up to a proper court," Nile said as he lowered his weapon.

"And I take full responsibility for whatever happens," Erwin said.

"Start an immediate civilian evac!" Nile shouted. His soldiers saluted and moved to carry out their orders.

Levi limped over to Erwin.

"Levi, you stay put. You know how you despise needless deaths."

Levi's eyes narrowed.

"Yeah, you're right. Whether its dying needlessly or causing one."

Levi got back into the carriage and dragged me inside. I almost fell off the bench as the stagecoach lurched forward when the driver took off.

Levi took off his jacket and threw it onto the bench beside me, and began fastening 3DMG on his legs.

"What are you doing?" I asked, starting to panic. Surely he wasn't gonna defy orders in his condition....

"I have the feeling that I will be needing this."

I grabbed the lapels of his shirt and dragged his face to mine. I crushed my lips against his.

"Be careful," I said as I let go of his shirt.

He dragged me on top of him and kissed me openmouthed, and when he pulled back, I struggled to breathe.

" Don't you know that after all these years, I will still come back to you? They can't take me down so easily, Princess. I love you too."

Eren's point of view.

"I. Will. Kill them all. Every last one of them!!!!"

I was buried in the nape of my titan form after getting my butt handed to me by Annie yet AGAIN, but I wasn't going to be defeated so easily this time.

She killed my friends. She is the enemy. She needed to pay.

I drew in a ragged breath after I had rasped out my declaration, sounding rather creepy. A grin stretched to either of my ears, and if by magic, my bruised and battered titan form suddenly came to life beneath a pile of debris from the building that Annie had kicked me into.

I made a beeline as I chased down Annie.

Petra. Gunther. Eld. Oulo.

Thomas. Marco.


The people I loved, taken away from the likes of her. As I thought of them, I saw nothing but pitch black as the rage kicked in.

Rukia's point of view

I was on the building next to Hanji as I watched a flaming Eren titan chase down the female titan, who screamed as he tackled her and sent both of them skidding across a pavilion, destroying everything in their path. Chairs and tables went flying. Eren had a missing leg, and smoke curled off the severed end as he regenerated.

He pulled them both up to where they were sitting up, and hooked his only leg around her waist as he grabbed her hair and began pulling back on her head, trying to pull it off.

She screamed (really, who wouldn't?) and held her head. Eren must have had enough with the screaming, because he grabbed her face and squeezed, crushing her jaw and cheekbone. I winced as blood flew across the courtyard. A soldier to my left leaned over the edge of the roof on his hands and knees as he threw up.

Annie managed to escape, and made a mad dash toward the wall.

"Oh, no! She's gonna go over the wall!" Armin cried out.

Eren jumped up and grabbed her leg as she climbed. She kicked him off, losing her leg in the process. Eren landed on his back when he hit the ground.

"She's gonna escape!" Hanji screamed as Annie got closer and closer to the top of the 50 meter wall.

"Not if I can help it!" Mikasa yelled as she zipped out on her 3DMG. She swooped around and cut off Annie's fingers as she climbed. Mikasa landed on her forehead and said, "Annie.....fall!"

Time seemed to come to a standstill as we watched her plummet nearly thirty meters. Eren made his move when she hit the ground, sailing through the air like a majestic berserker raging eagle and he landed on her, dismembering her. Her arm went flying toward a soldier occupied bridge, and when they saw the arm barreling their way, the screamed and ran either way. Only one soldier who was blond haired with an undercut remained. His blue eyes didn't even flinch as the hand grabbed the bridge. Erwin looked fearless as Eren bit open the nape of the female titan's neck, exposing the girl inside.

He hesitated upon seeing Annie. All of a sudden, a blue light emitted from the Annie-titan, and a crystalline structure began to envelop Annie.

Eren began screaming, and Armin asked, "They're merging?"

I saw the areas where their skin began fusing together. Eren tried his best to pull away, screaming the entire time.

As quick as lightning, Levi had swooped out to Eren, and freed him from his malfunctioning titan form.

Smoke and ashes and debris fell out of the sky as buildings burned. Jean was trying to break open Annie's crystal prison, destroying his blades in the process.

"Annie!! ANNIE!!!" He screamed.

"Stop it!" Levi growled. "Its useless. All you're doing is destroying equipment."

Mikasa held Eren, willing him to wake up. There were strange rashes around his eyes.

His eyelids fluttered, and he blinked.

"Is Annie...?"

"She crystallized herself to keep her secret," Armin said.

"Squads! Fall out!" Erwin said. "Go back to HQ!"

As everyone left, I grabbed my clipboard and started my job.

Vogel Im Kafig (End Of Tears) Levi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now