love is an open door

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Levi's point of view

Knock, knock...

I didn't want to leave the little patch of paradise that Rukia had created for me. Rukia. She has always been here for me, through thick and thin, and I wanted to do the same for her. I wanted to make her mine, not only in body, but in name.

I groaned, annoyed with the disruption. Rukia tore her lips from mine and she walked over to my desk, and sat down in the oak chair. I straightened my neckerchief and ran my calloused fingers (which were filthy,in my book) through my hair, trying to make myself look presentable.

I sauntered over to the door, and pulled it open, half expecting a new recruit to be standing at the door. It could be Baka Hanji, too.

What is it, brat? I thought as I opened up the door.

Huh? There's no one there, only a box.

"To Rukia and Levi," I read aloud, eyes scanning barely legible chicken scratch.

I felt Rukia putting her hands on my shoulders from behind. I turned my head to look at her, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

And there was a card, too. I ripped the envelope open.

Konichiwa, Lovebirds!!! I know you two will get a kick out of my little present to you both!!!

"Keith," Rukia hissed between clenched teeth.

I dared to open the box. Hey, if Keith was trying to embarrass me, he had better think again. I would get him right back.

I gasped as I pulled the top open.

Hanji sat at her desk, leafing through field journals. She had stayed up most of the night, and still, no new information on titans. She ran a hand through her chestnut brown hair, and took off her glasses. She pinched the bridge of her nose. She felt a migrane coming on.

Knock, knock.

Sluggishly, Hanji rose from her chair, and opened the door.

Levi leaned against the doorjamb, scowling. Rukia was right behind him, not looking entirely too happy.


Hanji grinned and laughed nervously, running a shaky hand through her hair. Rukia held the jar out. Inside was a pair of titan eyes, suspended in a clear liquid.

Haha, my reader- chans thought it would be a dirty Santa present, huh? Naughty, naughty.

"Seriously, I can't sleep in my apartment with a pair of giant eyes following my every move. TOTALLY CREEPY, HANJI." Rukia shuddered and thrust the titan specimens back at her.

"We thought it was Keith at first, but then we realized that there was only one person in the corps that would collect spare titan parts. Thanks for the thought, but we just can't accept."

"One day I will find someone who understands my appreciation for titans!" Hanji swore.

"If you do, then they are another variant among mankind," Levi mumbled.

Hanji didn't catch the insult.

Rukia lightly slapped Levi in the back of his head, and whispered, "Be nice!"

Rukia's  point of view

Levi and I were leaving Hanji's room when he muttered, "Sick joke."

I shuddered. Those eyes made me want to vomit. It felt like they were staring into the depths of my soul whenever Levi opened up the package. I seriously didn't get how Hanji could sleep at night with a shelf filled wall to wall with various titan body parts.

He slipped an arm around my waist, fanning out his fingers. He kissed the underside of my jaw as we walked down the corridor. He shoved me against a door suddenly, and started his assault. I anxiously twisted the knob behind me, and we busted into the room. I lost all sense, and it was replaced by the haze of passion. He lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he shoved me against the wall.

"Levi," I gasped.

He groaned against the column of my throat.

"Seriously, Levi. Stop."

Behind us, Mike glared as his face turned scarlet.

"Ahem." He tapped a pencil against his notebook. He sat at the edge of his bed.

I let my legs fall to the floor, and Levi froze in place.


"Aw, crap, sorry Mike. We didn't mean to barge in..." I started, my face crimson.

"Naw, don't think anything of it." With that, he closed the notebook and got up from where he was sitting on the edge of his bed, and strode over to the now open door. He left, not bothering to close the door.

Levi rested his forehead against mine, bracing his arms against the wall.

"I'm gonna die if we keep this up." He balled his hands into fists.

Mike shook his head as he strode down the corridor. The lovebirds had to figure out sooner or later that mating season didn't go year round. He rounded a corner, and pounded his fist against an oak door.

"You may enter."

Erwin sat at his desk, filing through paperwork.

"Erwin, you HAVE to do SOMETHING about Rukia and Levi. The walls separating our rooms aren't exactly as thick as the chemistry between the two. I can't even stomach it. Move them to their own PRIVATE love nest or move me to another barrack. Please. I'm not getting any sleep at night. Neither is Nanaba."

Erwin sat there, biting his lip to keep from laughing. He remembered when Cadets were complaining about Mike and his wife.

"Alright, let me see what I can do."

Vogel Im Kafig (End Of Tears) Levi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now