Hey! Its Clint Eastwood!!!!

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December 25th

Kenny Ackerman sat at his kitchen table, which was cluttered with wood curls and burned out candle wicks. Pock marks from countless knives being thrown decorated the table top. A dartboard hung haphazardly on the wall and darts were embedded into the drywall surrounding it. The dresser was overflowing with un-mated socks and looked like the top hadn't been dusted at all. The floor was littered with discarded food wrappers and dress shirts. Dust mites danced through the air, and God knew what was underneath that lumpy, rickety cot that Kenny slept on nightly.

He finished buttoning his cleanest shirt. It had a tannish stain at the lapel. Might have spilled coffee on it last week. The ashtray on the table and nightstands were overflowing with cigarette butts and the room held the stale odor of smoke. The once white ceiling was now a sickly yellow color.

His face was creased and his hair was lightly grayed from the heavy hand of time. He threw the dagger that he had loosened from the tabletop, and it stuck the landing with a thud. The target: a Wings of Freedom insignia roughly tacked to the wall, with various rips on all four corners from being torn from the wall countless times.

I will make him pay. Kuchiel was stubborn, and gave birth to the little runt despite my warnings. And now... He had to destroy my empire by taking that job and joining the corps. The little brat might rat me out, who knows?

'Kenny the Ripper' lit a cigarette to settle his now riled nerves. He tugged on his hat and duster. He sighed as he took the first drag and his hands stopped shaking.

Kenny immediately began sifting through the assorted trash piled up on the table until he found what he was looking for. His money pouch was hidden beneath a stained rag. He pocketed the change.

When I had custody of the brat, he was good for something. That little runt was my key card. At least he kept this place clean.

He checked the ammo on his twin revolvers. (Why not? He already looks like Eastwood) They were full of ammunition. He slung them back into the holsters that rested on his hips. The ashes at the end of his cigarette bent as they threatened to drop to the floor. He pulled the cigarette from his lips and flicked the butt, sending a cascade of white, powdery flakes to the floor. He exhaled, smoke curling out of his mouth.

A pair of perfectly manicured hands slid down his chest. Full, sensual lips brushed his ear, and Kenny noted the blond curls falling on his shoulders from behind. Barbara was rubbing herself against him, and playing with his gun belt.

"Awww... Do you have to leave again, Ken?" Barbara sounded disappointed. "I know you'll come back to me. You are my regular, after all."

Kenny tugged his boots on, and headed toward the door. He opened the latch. He then dropped his cigarette on the floor and ground his heel, extinguishing it.

He looked back at Barbara and winked, flashing a grin.

"Don't I always, sweetheart?"

Vogel Im Kafig (End Of Tears) Levi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now