The Salesman

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Client Relations Office
Exquisition Antiques by Monterizobel & Co.
Boston, Massachusetts

Subject: Malfunctioning room mirror

I would like to bring to your attention the antique room mirror which was sold to us last August 14, 2013, by a traveling salesman who claims to be in employment at your office on Avenue 94, Boston. He is Mr. Rowan Andersen Monroe, a 6'5" balding man with slight heterochromia. He took down the mirror from a van bearing your company's name, and thus allowing me to trace his business origins. Mr. Monroe sold to us a 10-feet by 6-feet plane mirror with a 2-inch frame of 5-carat gold, for an initial down payment of $670 to be paid monthly for six months. The terms were agreed; from August to December, the dues were collected faithfully. Enclosed here is the contract of purchase and the receipts from those collections.

It was only after New Year did we begin to notice strange things about the mirror. On some days, my daughter told me of seeing a green-cloaked child reflected in the edge of the mirror. In other days, the child was seen to be banging on the mirror as if it were a glass door. I have witnessed none of these whenever I am to use the antique, but I have noticed minute cracks in the frame that made it seem like the gild was being broken from inside out. For my teenager's well-being, I have confined the mirror in our storage room until Mr. Monroe had returned to collect the final payment.

However, the traveling salesman has seemingly vanished. He did not come to collect the final payment for the past three months, and I could not reach him using the contact details he had placed on his card. I write to your company instead, so that you may know that I intend to return the gilded mirror with full reimbursement of the payments that I have made through Mr. Monroe.

Here in our town, it becomes very difficult to remain cynical to the supernatural. I therefore trust that your respectable company would look urgently to this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. Wendy Elaine Dawson

(Photo by Daniel Garcia on Unsplash)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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