Meeting the parents

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( hey all, glad your liking the story so far! Sorry I haven't made a new part! Writer block!)

Jaime sitting in a terminal waiting for Natalie come back with tea. They were flying back to London to meet Natalie's family and after that Jaime's. Jaime wasn't usually this nervous but when it's meeting the parents is getting serious but she wants serious right?
Natalie came back holding out her cup, Jaime took it.
" What's up? Your not usually this quiet." Looking at Jaime slightly worried. "I'm just nervous, no big deal okay it's a major big deal I'm meeting your parents." " Jaime we been together for nearly year. I think it's time. " "I know that I'm grand with that it's just I hope they like me. What if they don't. " "Well if I really you they have" Natalie giving Jamie a peck on the cheek.

They boarded the flight to fly back to London, after a long flight back they crash by in Natalie's apartment. " All I can think is sleep" Jaime says falling into the bed. " Well you need to put your pj's on and take your make up" Natalie says putting her pj top on. "I don't want to" "Does this mean I have to change you." "Jesus no I do it fine." Jaime slowly gets back up to her feet.
Jaime eventually got into her pj's and took her male up off. Natalie was already in bed. Jaime slid next to her and pulled her in for a cuddle, natalie was already asleep by then.

Next Day

Jaime and Natalie were getting dinner ready for Natalie's parents to come over. Jaime managed to get the table all set before the doorbell rang.
" Natalie they here" Jaime whispered looking she could pass out of nerves. "You be fine come on" Natalie takes Jaime's hand to brings her to the front door. Natalie opens the door.
" Mum and Dad! God I missed you!" The parents came in, " mum, dad this is Jaime. My girlfriend I told you about."
"Ah Jaime nice to finally to meet you." Jaime shook hands with Natalie's step father and mother. " Nice to meet you both."

After all settling into their seat and begin to eat. " So how did you other meet?" "I was working in a store when Natalie accidently bumped into me" Jaime says taking sip of her water. They started having a light conversation, when Natalie left to take the plates away, natalie mother did the same leaving Jamie and her step father there. " Jaime." "Yes sir"
"If you hurt her I will find you and we'll you know that." "Actually it's the first I'm getting from any parent." "Oh why that." "Natalie didn't mention it? I'm adopted, I never knew parents I did go and search them but they both died in war and an car accident." "Jaime I'm so sorry I.." Jaime stops him. " It's alright I had my adoptive mum." Natalie and her mother comes in. " Richard you gone so pale." "Oh it's noting much been the food." Richard looking at Jaime looked. " I told him about my parents." Muttering. Natalie went over sat next to Jaime. " Jamie is adopted and she went to find her parents, they are both decreased."
After a strong cup of tea along maybe liquor in it they ended the night. Jaime silently went to bed, natalie came over and held her and Jaime wept for the rest of late night Natalie could only do was hold her and comfort her and kiss her forehead until she fell asleep.

Thank you for all reading pretty a different turn that expected huh! 😉 don't forget to vote and comment love to hear your feedback! 😊 ❤

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