Fun Fair Fun!

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Jaime waits outside of the front of the fun fair waiting nervously for Natalie. " Man why did I have to wear a light jacket" Mutters Jaime shivering.

A taxi slowly pulls in front of Jaime,and gracefully comes out Natalie. Jamie couldn't help forget the bitter coldness. Natalie looks up and just grins.

" Hey there cutie"

" Hey Natalie! You look great!" Say Jamie.

" So do you, loving your biker jacket" *Jamie goes red*

" So what do you want to do? or go what ride first?" Asked Jamie.

" Lets get some food first? I'm starving!" 

Jaime laughs.  Natalie grins

"Alright lets go" Jaime takes her hand out of her pocket and Natalie took it.

Jamie looks down, and smiles. It fits so well into mine and so warm.

Jaime and Natalie start to walk into the fun fair and see the food trucks. 

" What kind of food you into Jaime?" "Hm I love Mexican and Indian food"

" Really? I love tacos" 

" Me too! I love having it with spicy hot sauce"

" So you are quite daring with your food then?" 

" Are you kidding me I love Spicy food! I love chocolate too!"

" Dairy or Dark?"

" Dairy all the way! Oh I love white chocolate too!"

" Nice"

They stop at a Mexican food truck. " Wanna get something here?" 

" Sure" Jamie grins and gets excited.

They both order Nachos with cheese. At the end of eating Natalie starts to laugh.

" What?" 

"Oh you just got something on your face."

" I do?"

" Hmm here, let me clean it up" Natalie pulls out a napkin and cleans Jamie's mouth.

"Thank you" Jamie goes red again.

" No problem deary. Alright want to go on the Ferris wheel?"

"OMG yes! I haven't been on one since I was a kid." 

" Cool lets go!" Natalie takes Jaime by the hand and slight run ahead of her to the ferris wheel.

They get into a cab on the ferris wheel, they starting to talk more and while been on the top they stop and shouts below. 


" OMG we stuck up" Jamie begins to look really worried. Natalie looks at her.

"Jamie we are going to be ok" 

"No we won't"

Jamie begins to start to panic and Natalie starts to hold her hands.



" Your shivering, come here"

Jaime scoots over and Natalie holds her.

They wait until the firemen come and they were taking down by a massive lift.

" Well that was adventurous" 

Natalie laughs and pulls Jaime into her and kisses her on the cheek.

"It sure was. You need a ride home?"

Jamie nods and Natalie laughs and they both get into the taxis and go home.

Thank you so much for reading!

Hope you all like it! :)

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