Invite to Movie Premiere

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Jaime hadn't seen Natalie for a week because of promoting her new movie the Mockingjay Part 2 in LA. She didn't mind. She would do late night face time to Natalie. It was there kind of thing now. She liked it. One night Natalie facetimed Jamie and she had something exciting news for her.

"Hey cutie" Natalie smiles.  "Hey Nat" "I have some good news for you""You Do" "I was wondering if you like to come to the London Premiere of Mockingjay as my guest." "Wait what you been serious."

"Yes I'm been serious" Natalie looks at her. Jaime's face starts to turn. " Jamie you alright?" " Em yeah i'm just shocked. I never been to premiere" 
" Well there is a first for everything darling!" Natalie grins. "Alright London it is!" "Excellent I'm actually Hong Kong right now but I book your tickets now while your on"
Natalie and Jaime exchanges conversation on the flights and booking the hotel.
Next Day
Jaime got packing and went on the next flight from New York to London. 7 to 8 hours later Jaime arrived into London. She got a taxi to her hotel which was  5 stars.
Jaime went to the reception and got her bedroom key, when she went into her hotel room it had a lounge, bar, a large bathroom. " Oh my god, this place is huge." Jaime walks into the bedroom to see roses sprinkled on the bed and a note.

Jaime, hope you got alright into the hotel. I see you later N ;)

Jaime fell onto the bed holding the note smiling to herself.

Three hours later, someone was knocking on Jaime's door. Jaime went to answer it to find an make up artist, a hairstylist.

A hour and half Jaime was all glammed up and looking beautiful in a tight white dress with matching high heels and a sliver glitter clutch and wearing sliver jewelry. 

Jaime arrives to the premiere, to see Natalie in front of the photographers looking stunning. Jaime's mouth drop.  Jaime gets ushered past Natalie, Natalie notices it's her and grabs her hand and gives her a hug. "You look beautiful. I see you inside" And winks at her.Jaime is sitting the theater waiting for all the cast to be on the stage. After that she felt some sat next it, she turned to see Natalie Smiling at her and leaned over to whisper something in her ear. "You alright?" Jaime nods and smiles. 

During the film, Jaime's left hand was on her armrest of the seat, and Natalie slowly pulled her hand into Jaime's and their hands intertwined. Jamie smiled for the rest of film. After the after party, Jaime was about to leave as she was supper tired from the flight. She waited for taxi and felt an hand on her back. " You going home already." Jaime turned around to Natalie. "I was, unless you want to come. I'm pretty tired from flight today." " Sure, I'm getting tired aswell." Jaime laughs and takes Natalie's hand and runs into the taxi.

Back in Jaimes hotel, they are both wearing pjs and eating room service food and drinking hot chocolate and laughing at the meme of a mockingjay photo

(Thank you for Reading <3 )

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