rin ❥ all the way

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    a u t h o r ' s n o t e:
i know i'm more than a little late from the bandwagon. just started watching free last night and i was like 'omg! what am i doing with my life?!'
sorry if this is a little ooc. i'm still getting the hang out of the characters and i'm not exactly aqcuainted with most of them. but i really wanna do this so yeah... hope you all enjoy!


matsuoka rin✖✖✖

Rin's right eyebrow twitched as he covered his eyes with his palm.


You pushed the cart containing all your baggages and other belongings when you spotted him at the far side of the waiting area of the arrival part of the airport.

Finally, when you stood in front of him with a big smile, he let his hand fall to his side and looked at you with all seriousness.

"[in english] Oh? Not happy to see me?" You asked, pouting slightly.

"What on earth are you doing here in Japan?!" He screamed all of a sudden, startling those around you.

You laughed. "Didn't I tell you back then before you left Australia that I'll come and visit?"

A ticked mark appeared. "Visit, (your/name)! Visit! But that's not what's in your passport last time you made me process your files at the embassy!"

"Such a drama queen." You muttered, rolling your eyes at him before pushing your cart to him. "Here, be useful and carry my stuffs. I can't wait to have a sleep on a real bed. International flights are tiring you know."

"Tch." He scoffed but obeyed nonetheless.

It's been quite a while since Rin left Australia, where you both went to the same swimming school. Since you were a half Japanese, half Australian, you got along quite well with him in a short amount of time and even fell in love with him. However, there was no relationship that formed between the two of your except for the friendship, which was more on your side than his. For some reason you didn't know he was a little annoyed by you, but that was all because he sees Haru in you as you resemble much of his childhood friend's style of swimming and also love towards it. You didn't care about winning, competition or anything.

You quit from the school in Australia. And followed your love instead, which was Rin, all the way to Japan after much debate with your parents of the pros and cons. But after a while, they finally agreed.

Hence, why you landed in Japan.

For the past few months, you also made Rin process all your papers including your student visa much to his annoyance. But somehow, he felt a little... happy. He's not going to admit to that though.

"So... Any tips and warning I needed to know about the town?" You asked once you were finally settled in the dorm of an all-girls school next to Samezuka Academy and were out with Rin to eat late lunch at a diner.

"Nothing really..." He muttered with a bored tone. "If anything, you should find out on your own."

"You're cruel." You pouted, pinching his arm.

As a reflex, he swatted your hand and clicked his tongue in annoyance. "It's your choice to come here so might as well do the full lap of suffer, don't you think?"

You sipped on your ice tea. "Fine. Be not helpful."

Suddenly, two shadows towered over making you turn to look back only to find 2 young men of about the same age as you.

"Oh! Rin-chan!" A blonde guy greeted then turned to you. His brows furrowed a for a bit before he turned to Rin who doesn't seem all too well pleased to be seen by them.

"I'm guessing you're (Y/n)-chan?" The blonde asked, smiling warmly at you.

You nodded slowly as you stared at them, taking in every little detail about how they look, how they move, talk, and even blink. It was like a little habit you couldn't stop - noticing quirks of a person to classify their characters.

"Hazuki Nagisa. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." You replied, still looking at him right in the eye which irritated Rin.

"Oi (Y/n)! Stop staring at them it's very rude." The redhead said.

"A-ah... Sorry." You quickly apologized. "Ano~ how did you know my name?"

"Oh, Gou-chan, said something yesterday about his brother picking up a visitor from Australia." He explained.

And you nodded in understanding before turning to the tall guy beside him. You forgot again what Rin just said, so you began to stare at the olive haired guy who just smiled politely.

"Tachibana Makoto." He said knowingly.

"Oi (Y/n)." Rin called out once again exasperatedly, reminding you stop staring.

"I'm really sorry!" You stood up and bowed.

"A-ah no it's ok." Makoto said with a smile, scratching his head.

Rin scoffed, giving you a disapproving look before turning to his friends. "Where's Haru?"

Nagisa chuckled. "You have to ask? Of course, he's swimming."

That caught your attention. "Swimming?" Then you turned to Rin. "Can we go?"

"You've been here barely 2 hours and you wanted to swim?" He asked incredilously.

You clung to his arm. "Please..."

"Tch. Fine."

"Yehey!" You clapped your hands like a retarded seal then turned to asked Nagisa and Makoto questions. All the way to Iwatobi, conversations filled the air. Rin would pipe a few comments here and there but he stayed quiet most of the time.

However, your voice died down once you saw the clear blue water of the pool, inviting you. And just like how Haru would usually do, you began to strip infront of the boys. Nagisa and Makoto blushed, while a nerve popped out of Rin's head.

"Baka! Don't strip here!" Quickly, he dragged you away and pushed you into one of the changing cubicles.

When you finally went out, Rin was no longer waiting outside the cubicle but rather conversing with a raven-haired guy whom you guess was the so-called Nanase Haruka.

"Ah! (Y/n)-chan!" Nagisa waved, catching all the guys' attention and they all turned to you.

And just like before, you began to stare at Haru, who right back stared at you too.

His blue eyes were so identical to that of the pool. However, his orbs were swirling, an untameable energy was locked inside.

You were too much captivated that you didn't hear him introduce himself quietly, even Rin calling out to you to stop staring, and Nagisa's laughter. As Haru dived into the waters, your eyes followed his movement.

But then, you were dragged back from your trance when Rin grabbed your arm and pulled away from his friends to a secluded area.

His grip seemed tight that it hurts a little. "Rin, let go."

He didn't though, rather, his grip tightened. "You're hurting me." You protested, pulling your arm but he was stronger.

Finally he pushed you back against the fence and released you, but not before trapping you with his body and arms.

"What's wrong with you?" You asked, massaging your arm where his hand once was.

He didn't look you in the eye though. Instead, he was looking down. But then, he placed his forehead on your shoulder as he slumped slightly.

"You came all the way here to Japan for me (Y/n). Remember that, just for me."

At his words, a smile appeared on your lips. "Were you jealous?"

"Maybe." He muttered.

You chuckled lightly. "You're such handful, Rin. That's why I came all the way. Just for you."


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