1. hair hacker

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I'm not much of a beauty expert, but I know a way to get fast, easy highlights without spending a cent! (The only thing it will cost is your pride...)

If you have light colored hair, you can go ahead and take a regular Sharpie highlighter or whatever other brand-named highlighter (you can find these at school or whatever) and color the desired section of your hair with the highlighter. Voilà, amazing highlights for an amazing price. ($0)

If you have darker hair, you can lighten it up with some blonde highlights! All you'll have to do is take a Barbie doll (with preferably longer hair), take a pair of scissors, and start cutting your doll's hair off. After getting a good amount of Barbie hair, you can take Scotch tape and tape it onto your head for gorgeous, radiant, and totally natural highlights.

Not all good things in life are free.

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