Chapter Eight // Advice from Dallon and Twitter

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I woke up to the sound of moaning; confused and slightly disturbed, I turned around and saw Brendon hugging a pillow and mumbling words.

I covered my face, holding in my laughter.

I got out of bed and grabbed Brendon's phone, walking into the bathroom.

Ellie: it's Ellie I stole bs phone and got your contact, when a guy is having a wet dream does he moan constantly and hug a pillow around his dick area???

Dallon: yep yep. Your boyfriends having a wet dream.

Ellie: what do I do?!?!

Dallon: let him wake up, don't wake him up. Just go get breakfast or something, act like nothing happened

Ellie: but what if I get back and he's still...

Dallon: I'll call him or something

Ellie: okay thanks Dallon

I got Starbucks and took a couple pictures with fans I met on the way, and then I headed back to the hotel.

Brendon's POV

I woke up soaked. I grabbed my phone which was ringing and answered it. "Hey Dal," I sighed, getting up.

"You alright?" Dallon chuckled.

"Why would I not be?" I asked, taking off my clothes; my dream still lingering in my mind.

Ellie's shirt laid on the floor. I had just arrived to her house, and we were going to eat chicken nuggets and watch Netflix.

I followed the clothing to find her in her closet, in her bra and underwear, wearing a white button-up, and dancing around her closet.

"El- Ellie," I stuttered as she made her way closer to me.

"I'm ready," she breathed out.

"Dude!" Dallon shouted.

"I'm going to shower then I'll call you back," I replied, hanging up.

Ellie's POV

I opened the door and Brendon was wearing a towel around his hips, on the phone with I'm guessing Dallon.

"Yeah man, I'm goodbye," Brendon hung up and kissed my cheek.

"I brought you coffee," I handed Brendon the cup and he smiled.

"Thank-you," Brendon smiled. "What do you want to do today?" Brendon asked and I shrugged. "That's not an answer babe."

"It is in my book," I laughed, and Brendon shook his head at me.

"Okay," Brendon smiled.

I sat on the chair, scrolling down my Twitter and following some fans.

"Hey I just tweeted," Brendon stated walking around the corner.

I got on Brendon's Twitter and saw a tweet.

Currently obsessed with @.twentyonepilots' song "Tear In My Heart"

"Do you get it?" Brendon smirked at me and I nodded at him. "You're the tear in my heart babe," Brendon smiled, leaning over and kissing my cheek.

"That's not how it goes," I laughed and Brendon rolled his eyes.

"I know, I went on tour with them! But you're here with me so I said 'you're' instead of 'she'," Brendon explained and I nodded.

"Can you put pants on at least, you got out of the shower like ten minutes ago," I laughed and Brendon grabbed a pair of underwear, walking into the bathroom with a cheesy smile.

Brendon walked out wearing black boxer briefs and brushing his teeth. "When are we going to announce our relationship?" Brendon questioned and I shrugged, not knowing the answer.

"I don't want to rush into it, because even if we don't, I don't want to announce we're dating then we break up a month later," I replied and Brendon nodded.

"People are suspecting it because of the airport, should we just announce it?" Brendon sighed and I looked down at my lap.

"Yeah, but I don't want people to hate me," I shrugged and Brendon rolled his eyes.

"Impossible, everyone loves you," Brendon smiled.

"Everyone loves you too!" I stated, and Brendon shrugged.

"We're perfect together then," Brendon smiled.

Brendon got dressed and we sat on the bed, looking at my laptop.

"What if we put- 'we've kept our relationship in secret, and we're finally comfortable enough to tell you guys' or does that make me sound like an asshole?" Brendon chuckled and I shook my head.

"It's good," I smiled.

"Wow, that's a compliment," Brendon responded and I shook my head at him.

"Coming from a guy who puts his heart in every lyric," I smiled.

"Coming from a girl who puts her heart in every sentence," Brendon replied. "You genuinely care about every single one of your fans."

"So do you!" I smiled and Brendon and I stared at each other in the eye for a couple seconds.

"I love when you do that, respond with something just as good," Brendon stated and I felt my cheeks heating up.

We reread what we had, and Brendon reached over and pressed tweet.

It was on Brendon's twitter, so hopefully I wouldn't get that much hate for saying I did it without him.

"There it is," Brendon sighed, as we looked at the many tweets flowing in.

@kennyplease09: yes yes yes!

@graceandboydurie: I support you two no matter what! You've both helped me through so much!


Most of them were positive, but there was a couple that were the opposite.

"What do you want to do as a free couple on our last day here in LA?" Brendon asked and I shrugged, continuing the read the messages. "Want to go to the beach again?"

"Sure," I shrugged, smiling at Brendon.

"I can teach you how to surf!" Brendon cheered.

"I haven't rode a skateboard in five years, how am I supposed to surf on a huge board thing with waves underneath me?" I laughed.

"That's why I said I'll teach you," Brendon smiled.

"Fine," I sighed, "but if I die it's your fault."

"You're not going to die!" Brendon laughed, "I won't let it happen."

"Promise?" I asked, sticking out my pinkie.

Brendon looked at my pinkie, then wrapped his around mine, looking back up at me. "Promise, and I don't break promises, especially when it comes to you," Brendon kissed my lips.

At that moment with Brendon's lips against mine I realized; I'm getting over Garret, and I'm falling for Brendon, hard.

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