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Authors note: Abby and Alexander----->


It has been 5 years since I got married. To my amazing husband, Skyler waking up smelling fresh coffee brewing. Downstairs in the kitchen. Polly sitting there while Bart rubs her 6 month pregnant belly smiling at me.

"Hello Queen of vampires" I smile at my best friend, drinking my coffee Skyler coming up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hello my beautiful wife" I kiss his cheek smiling "hello my handsome husband, or should I say king of vampires".

Hearing something break in the living room. Our little 5 year old, princess Abby and our little 7 year old prince Alexander. Comes running into the kitchen "mommy, mommy Alexander broke grandma and grandpas vase".

He glares at his little sister, with his cream soda eyes. Like his fathers "I did not! Shut up Abby" Skyler looks at him "son don't talk to your sister like that!" I pick up Abby smiling at her putting her at the kitchen table.

Giving her a pancake in shape of a smiley face. With some eggs on the side "Alexander stop arguing and come eat your breakfast" He rolls his eyes sitting down at the table eating his pancakes.

Cleaning the dishes along with Polly, Skyler, and Bart. Went out to hunt hearing a crash in the living room again I yell from the kitchen "what is going on in there?!" Abby and Alexander chime in "nothing" Polly laughs as I get another headache "don't you just love kids" -yea a little bit to much-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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