Chapter 12. The half-naked girlfriend

Start from the beginning

Gaping at him for the revelation, because I had been too busy looking at her body to look in her eyes, I smiled big and ran back upstairs, Kota shouting at me from the ground floor. "Luke! Don't you dare!"

Entering his room I saw the bathroom door was closed but that wasn't a challenge to me. Taking out my lock pick kit I quickly opened the door and hurried inside before Kota could stop me. Sang gave a startled scream when I entered, sadly she was already dressed, and I picked her up in a crushing hug. "Cupcake!"

I wanted to swing her around happily but the small bathroom wouldn't allow for that so I contented myself in burying my face on her neck and blowing a raspberry, which made her gasp and laugh. God, I had missed that laugh.

"Luke! Put me down! Are you crazy?" she exclaimed while laughing.

"Not crazy at all, Cupcake, unless it is for you." I flirted, hoping to see that blush which we were all so fond of. And there was it, covering her cheeks in a pretty pink. Smiling I let her go and grabbing her hand dragged her back downstairs where an exasperated Kota awaited.

Looking in his eyes I silently asked him if his exasperation was because he would have to share Sang now or because I had seen her half-naked.

Understanding the question in my eyes and the smirk in my face he sent me glare that promised I would have hours later.

Shrugging, because seeing Sang had been worth it, I kept dragging her until we reached the kitchen.

Pulling out her chair for her to sit I sat to her right and Kota to her left.

"So, where have you been Cupcake?" I asked her quietly. The shadows in her eyes hadn't slipped my notice. The sweet girl who saved us was still in need of saving.

Pausing with her fork in the air she lowered it to her plate and turned serious eyes to me and Kota.

"I know you boys need to know about what happened, and I will tell you so we can get this matter out of the way but I don't want to keep repeating this story. It is my wish to put the past behind and move on, so I would like to ask you guys to update the others when you can. Okay?"

We both nodded our agreement and listened quietly while Sang recounted what had happened with her these past six years.

It was bad, and by the time she was done both me and Kota were struggling to contain our feelings.

Looking in his eyes I could see in them that he felt the same way as me: rage at her parents, for sending her to a place they must have known was bad, and at the injustices going on in that school and the vicinity; sadness at all that she had to go through practically alone; amazement at her strength; and last, but not less important, extreme annoyance with the good doctor for not having warned them of her presence sooner than this.

After they dealt with her parents, because they needed punishing, Dr. Roberts would pay for this. Luke Taylor was a very vindictive guy... checking with Kota he saw that he had permission to do his worst. Mentally rubbing his hands he thought, My, my, this is gonna be interesting...

Trying to calm down I did what I always do in bad situations. I focused in the good parts and tried to joke.

"So, you caused a nationwide scandal which led to investigations and arrests throughout the country, Cupcake! You are my HEROINE and I want to be like you when I grow up!" I told her smiling, earning a giggle in response.

"Oh, does that mean that you will wear my skirts then, Luke?" She teased.

Smiling at her I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was when she smiled. There were no shadows in her eyes then and I promised myself to make her smile lots and lots.

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