Chapter 27

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1 year later.

Emma's POV

Killian and I have a home together, Henry is all better after his accident, and we have a little boy we named Liam who is 3months old. Belle had to deal with Will coming back in her life and bugging her, but lucky for her she had Rumple help her. They now live together and they had a huge wedding and I went into labor durning the ceremony and now Belle I hear is pregnant. Robin and Regina also married and living in a big home because they are expecting. They got married months before Rumple and Belle. Snow and David havent spent a day apart since he told her about Killian and I having a baby. Their love was real and true and they got married 2months ago. They took a 2month honeymoon.

"Emma!" Killian yells.


"Robin texted me. David and Snow are back." He says walking in the room.

"Okay then it looks like a girls day."

"Have fun Love." He says.

I texted the girls and they were excited to get this going. A friendship like this is crazy. I was the last one to arrive and they were waiting.

"Finally Emma is here." Regina says.

"Yeah. Anything new with anyone?" Snow asks.

"Well Rumple and I are having a baby, but we also got a cat last week." Belle says.

"Well Robin and I as you can see 6months pregnant and we are having twins." Regina says.

"Thats amazing and to also take a step in motherhood. David and I found out yesterday we have a baby on the way." Snow tells us.

"Killian and I eloped last week."

They all looked at me.

"Emma!" They all yell.

"Sorry but with  Regina and Robin going nuts about your babies and Rumple and Belle trying to find the right colors for the house. Not to mention that Snow and David gone. Killian and I saw a moment and took it."

"Well shes not wrong." Belle says.

"Okay guy I have an idea."

"What is it?" Snow asks.

"We make a new pack. By that I mean we will always be there for each other no matter what."

"Agreed." They all say.

These girls were my life and best friends and now we have other people in our lives we love and cherish and thats just how a best friend pack goes.

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