Chapter 6

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Daryl's POV

Today was Sunday, which meant Grocery shopping day. I went every two weeks.

But this month I had saved a little extra to get new bolts for my crossbow so I can be prepared for Deer season which is coming up pretty quickly.

"Daddy" Peyton yelled from her room.

"What?" I yelled back as I slipped my leather boots on and tied them.

"Help" she shouts.

I sigh and stand up. I have a good feeling what she needs help with. Lately she's been trying to dress herself and she does good until she tries to put her shirt on. She always manages to get her head stuck in the sleeve.

Sure enough, when I walk in her room, her head is stuck.

"Baby how many times do I gotta tell ye' to wait and I'll help ya" I sigh and pull her shirt down the correct way.

"I wanna be a big kid" she mumbles sadly.

"Ye got yer whole life to be a big kid, so just stay little for now" I tell her and lead her by her shoulders to the bathroom so she can brush her teeth.
After that I brush her hair.

"Daddy put it in a pony tail" she says, tilting her head to look up at me.

"I Dunno how" I tell her and tilt her head back down so I could finish brushing her hair. Peyton huffs and let's me finish.

Finally, we were ready to go.


It only took 10 minutes to get to the Walmart. I was gonna pay for the groceries first and then to buy my bolts. Walmart bolts are cheaper than getting them from the bow shop. Some people might say that they don't shoot as good but hey, I get a bullseye every time so obviously not.

I open the door for Peyton and she immediately wants me to carry her. She needs to learn that I can't carry her everywhere.

"Baby I have to push the cart" I tell her and reach down to hold her hand instead.

"You're not right now" she whines and pulls on my arm.

I sigh, roll my eyes, and pick her up causing her to laugh and kiss my cheek. "Thank you daddy" she tells me.

I shake my head, but let a small smile form on my lips. I would do anything for this girl.

Once we get to the entrance I pull out a cart and set her down inside the cart and she sits right down. She doesn't like to walk for too long and this way she doesn't complain at all. But she does have to get out at some point when there's too much groceries.

The only downfall to shopping with Peyton is that she wants everything. And I hate telling her no, but I only have money for important stuff like water, meat, bread, and a few other items. She always wants sweets and I wish I could buy her everything she wants.

"Daddy can we get pop tarts?" Peyton ask, grabbing a box from the self as were near it.

"Baby I told you, daddy doesn't have money for that" I say, grabbing it from her and putting it back on the shelf.

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