Maybe I Said The Right Thing?

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(Eren's prespective)

     I woke up still in the infirmary bed in better condition then yesterday. My head still hurt but, less then yesterday. So I got up and headed to the boy's cabin to change and have a nice shower. 

      I never thought that when I ran all the way there and opened the door, that the entire cabin would be empty! I looked around trying to find someone who can give me an answer to where everyone is at. When I had found no one I shrugged, took a shower, and changed my clothes.

      I had gotten out of the shower but, still no one had shown up. "Where is everybody?" I muttered and walked back outside. I looked around outside and saw Jean walking up to me so I decided to ask him where everyone was, as well as tick him off.

     "Hey, Horseface, where is everyone?" I asked trying to get his temper up.

      "Screw you, Jaeger," he mumbled. "Everyone is having breakfast I'd hurry if I were you."

      I nodded in thanks and bolted past Jean to hopefully get to the cafeteria in time to have something to eat before it is all gone.

      I ran as fast as I possibly could and made it just in time to eat something even if it was just a loaf of bread. I went up, grabbed my food, and sat by my two childhood friends Mikasa and Armin. Suprisingly (Y/N) wasn't here I looked around searching for her. I spotted her at a table all by herself eating not too far away from us but, still too far away for my liking.

      "Why is she over there by herself?" I asked sitting down still staring at her.

      Mikasa obviously noticed my staring but, Armin answered my question. "She said she wanted time alone today," He stated. "I don't know why but, that is what Mikasa told me and I don't want to question her after she beat me up in hand-to-hand combat yesterday."

     I turned my head to look away from her only to have Mikasa stare me straight in the face.

      "What?" I asked nervously starting to eat my food.

      "Why do you always stare at her?" Mikasa questioned not eating at all. All she was doing was giving me a death glare that creeped up my spine.

      "What do you mean?" I asked putting down my utensil and staring at the table. 

      "You know what I mean," she muttered. "Everytime she is around you seem to have a staring contest with her or you're just staring at her. Why?"

      I can't stand her glare and I knew I had to tell the truth or she would know. Mikasa always knows when someone is lying to her. I couldn't lie so I did the one thing I could do in that situation. I told the truth.

(Reader's prespective)

      I had wondered why Mikasa wanted me to sit over here and then lied to Armin. It was all fitting together now. She wanted to interrogate Eren and now I knew why she couldn't have me around. Because the question was about me and Eren would have said something different if I was around.

      I was just close enough to hear them so, I started eavesdropping on them to see exactly what Mikasa had planned. "Everytime she is around you seem to have a staring contest with her or you're just staring at her. Why?" Mikasa muttered.

      "Eren had been staring at me? When did he start doing that?" I thought.

      "Well that's hard to explain," Eren mumbled almost to where I couldn't hear him. "I guess I like her..." Now Armin was interested in what he was saying but, everyone else in the room was not paying any attention to them.

     "Like her how?" Mikasa interrogated staring straight at him with a cold blank stare.

      Nothing in the world could have prepared me for what came out of his mouth next.

      "Love her... I guess..." he muttered red tint forming on his cheeks.

      I was unable to hear the rest but, I didn't need to. I felt my face start to heat up. "Eren loves me?!" I thought. "Is he just saying that or does he mean it?" My cheeks started heating up even more, if that is even possible right now. I couldn't take sitting there anymore I needed fresh air and a quiet place to think.

(Eren's prespective )

       A few moments after I answered Mikasa (Y/N) got up and went outside. "Did she hear what I said?" I thought. "Did I say the wrong thing? Or maybe I said the right thing?" Eren sat there until it was time for balance training thinking long and hard about what had happened.

      During balance training we are supposed to get used to the 3D maneuver gear. (Y/N) demonstrated and did it perfectly and was almost graceful but, had a lot of jurky movements. After she was done and got lowered down, it was the trainees' turn.

      After a few more trainees went it was my turn. I got on the contraption and a second after I got on I flipped upside down and hit my head.

      "Okay (Y/N) get him off!" the instuctor announced.

      "No, I've got it!" I yelled. "I can't embarrass myself in front of her," he thought. "I can do it."

      As I straightened myself up I was off balance and not even two seconds later I hit my head again.

     "Enough, (Y/N), get Eren down!" the instuctor called out.

      She did as she was told and carefully lowered me down and Mikasa, Armin, and (Y/N) helped me to the infirmary again to help my head.

      When we all got there they helped me on to the bed and Mikasa and Armin left but, (Y/N) stayed a little longer.

      "We really need to stop coming back here don't you think?" (Y/N) joked while spinning in the doctor's chair.

     "Yea, seems that everyday we are coming back here," I laughed.

     "I'm going to get going, it is almost time for lunch," she stated getting up obviously dizzy from spinning around.

      "Okaay bring me back something I'm going to take a nap," I spoke. "Bye, (Y/N)"

     "Okay I will. Bye, Eren," she chimed and headed out the door.

      "She is very kind," Eren thought. "I need to sleep my head hurts."

      And with that Eren turn on his side and went to sleep.

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