She Is Our Greatest Hero

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      (Reader's Perspective)

A couple of days later, still living at the home, I woke to a knock at my door. I reluctantly changed my clothes quickly and opened the door. Ervin was standing in the hallway impatiently, arms crossed.

      "What do you want?" I growled annoyed that he woke me up.

      "They want you to be an assistant to the instructor of the 104th Trainees Squad." he stated

      "Why?" I asked interested mocking his pose.

     "Because of your high rank," He added. "And you are our greatest hero." Now irritated, he turned around, and motioned for me to follow him. I started following beside him, mocking his walk, and strode to the training grounds with him.

      We finally made it to the training grounds and the trainees lined up in perfect rows and columns ready to be yelled at by Keith Shadis. He is one of the scariest people I know, minus Corpral Levi who can kill with his eyes. I eventually got bored and started looking around at the faces I would be with for the next two years.

      As I looked around I locked eyes with a familiar face staring straight at me. "Eren," I thought. "He was really serious about joining huh?" He stared at me with a hard glare that seemed to soften a bit when I spotted him.

      I gave him a worried stare. "I'll be fine," he mouthed.

      "Okay," I mouthed back. I stared at him with a soft glare, like he was staring at me, and faced forward once again.

      The instuctor started yelling at a girl named Sasha Braus. She stole a potato and her punishment was to run until she couldn't anymore. After Keith was done yelling, he dismissed us to eat I headed to the cafeteria.

      When I got into the cafeteria something caught my attention.  The trainees and instructors all ate together but, I went along with it having missed breakfast this morning.

     I grabbed my food and headed to a table. Since no one usually sat by me, I sat at an empty table and began eating by myself.

      I wasn't really caring much that no one wasn't sitting around me. Not even a minute later three plates sat down around me. One to my right and two in front of me. I looked around to see Armin Arlert, Mikasa Akermin, and Eren Jaeger. As soon as I looked at Eren we locked eyes for a while. We just stared at each other, before I broke the stare, looked down at my food again, and began eating.

      "No, hello?" Eren asked with a smirk visible on his face.

      "Hello, Armin, Mikasa, and Eren," I spoke a little rudely. "Happy Eren?" I was ticked off that I had to stand out in the sun all day after being rudely waken up but, I didn't mean to show it in my voice.

      "A little rude today?" Eren joked and took a bite of his food.

      "Sorry, I had a rude awakening from Erwin this morning," I replied finishing almost half my food.

       "So you're an instructor?" Armin asked barely even touching his food and letting the Sasha girl, back from her running, steal from his plate.

      "Not exactly I'm an assistant to Keith," I stated. I talked a bit more while finishing my food. "I have to go now and get to bed. I'm tired after being rudely awakened this morning." I took my plate, put it in the dirty dishes bucket, and headed to the girl's cabin. I am staying in the cabin for the time being because I am an instructor here for the next two years.

(Eren's prespective)

      "She didn't ask why we are here training?" Eren pondered. "Does she already know or does she not want to know? Why didn't she ask why?" He finshed his food without another word and walked to the boy's cabin. "I shouldn't let something so small get to me," I thought.

      I walked into the boy's cabin and picked out a bunk near the back of the room by the door to the showers. I chose the bottom bunk as always and slid my stuff under the bunk. I decided to have a nice warm shower to get my mind off (Y/N) being here and to make me more tired than I already was.

      I slipped off my clothes and stepped into the shower. I stood there for a bit just savoring the warmth before I finished up and stepped out of the shower. I wrapped a large towel around myself and moved into a small private room with my clothes. I changed quickly and walked to my bunk.

     I had just gotten out of the showers when Armin had come back from dinner. As usual him and Mikasa stay as close to me as they can so he picked the bunk right above me.

      "Eren you seem a bit off. Are you okay?" Armin inquired looking at me and getting into the top bunk.

      "It's just something that I am letting worry me a bit too much," I stated and pulled the covers over him.

      "Okay then goodnight, Eren" Armin said climbing into his bunk.

      "Goodnight, Armin," He added.

      "(Y/N) (L/N)," Eren thought. "She truly is beautiful, nice, and... Stop that Eren get to bed."

       Eren turned on his side and fell asleep.

Our Greatest Hero Eren x Reader FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now