Our Meeting

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      Disclaimer: I do not own Attack On Titan nor any of its charactors, but I did change the original Attack on Titan story to play out what I want to happen in the story so if you don't like what I write then stop reading. If you have any ideas for my next chapter or a theme for my next story then that is kindly appreciated in the comments. Enjoy the story!

A message came through to the Scout Legion. An unknown 60 meter Colossal Titan just broke through Shinganshina District. Another 20 meter Armored Titan broke through Wall Maria and everyone is rushing to fix the problem.

'I need to get out there,' I thought while getting my 3D maneuver gear, gas tanks, and a small satchel like bag ready to go.

It was difficult to get my belts tightened, but as soon as I had them secured I lunched my wires and I flew through the streets taking down Titan after Titan. After I killed one more 5 meter, I stopped on the edge of a nearby chimney to survey my surroundings. I turned to look beside me as I heard my name being called.

"(Y/N), we need you at the eastern side of the wall," Dot Pixis explained as he landed gracefully on the rooftop nearby. "Many have died there and our forces are being weakened."

I nodded, obeyed, and took off as fast as I could east. Careful not to run out of gas, I raced through the street taking down many 5 and 10 meter Titans that were in my way.

I latched myself to the side of a partly destroyed building wall to take a breath. As I was sitting there, I looked up and I saw a broken down house with two kids trying to get someone out from under it. One was a black haired girl,with black eyes as well. She was wearing a red scarf and her emotionless face reminded me of someone I knew. The other was a kind of cute dark brown haired boy, with emerald green eyes and a very determined face on.

I lunched off to help them away from the Titans but, I saw Reiner fly in, scoop them up, and carry them off. I had thought the person under the house was dead. As I stopped on a roof nearby I saw the boy was very reluctant to leave.

'Why is he fighting against Reiner?' I pondered.

I looked up to see the person, whom was trapped under the rubble, be picked up by the Titan. A woman with dark brown hair whom I recognized to most likely to be the children's mother and she was actually fighting against the titan! She was still alive! I quickly sprung into action swinging around the titan to the nape of the neck. Just as the titan got the woman close to his mouth.


I had cut through Titan's weak spot and it started to go down. It released the woman and I had swung around to catch her, but I didn't make it in time. She slipped through my hands as I swung by. I watched the woman fall and I was horrified at the sound she made when she landed.

      I landed next to her. Her back was twisted in an awkward way. Her breathing had stopped too. The children's mother, I had let her die.

      Titans were closing around me, I had to leave. I launched quickly back into the air. I caught up with Reiner and the two children that seemed traumatized.

As I flew above Reiner and the children, using my 3D Maneuver gear. I was lost in thought trying to process everything that happened so quickly.

"Look out!" I had heard the boy exclaim.

      I snapped out of it and looked forward only to see a wall heading for me. I swung around to avoid it but, half of a window was sticking out from under some rubble and cut a good sized wound into my left calf.

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